
Showing posts from November, 2015

Cancun Day 3 - Monday 30 Nov

To bed last night at 10 but caught Denver beating The Cheetahs in overtime. Yeah! Had some issues with pictures. Sent them to my iPad in email. Copied and pasted. Looked fine for me, but not you all. Sad. They were good pics. So I'll be using photos taken directly from the iPad. Like this one from ten o'clock this morning. We ate lunch next door inside. Stayed at the pool all day. Warm.  Dinner was Cajin night here. Played more cards.  Sandy dealt me a lone to win 52-50. Boys up 5-1.  It rained from six to seven. Mattered not as we were eating. However, right before the rain hit us, we say this awesome double rainbow over the water. It was pretty, but none of us cried. Sunset here in Cancun, Monday, Nov 30. Looking out over the ocean. We figure it hit mid eighties today. Wind was slight so it felt hotter. Slight chance of rain later in the week. But hey, we'll take rain here and 80 versus Indiana right now. Winning!

Photo Test

The first day I posted pictures taken on the iPad. Yesterday's photos were taken on our phones and emailed to the iPad. I then copied them to the blog. All comments and emails are making it here - Dave and Kathy. Thx. Someone please confirm that the following picture taken on the iPad works fine.

Cancun Day 2 - Sunday 29 Nov

Nick and Shelby on the beach. Me and Sandy at dinner. We played cards last night. Boys won 2-0. Got up about 0900. Hit the pool. Lunch was outdoors next door. The girls wanted quesadillas. Hit the beach. Took showers and then headed to La Isla to shop. Lorenzillo's for dinner. It was awesome. Saw crocodile.  Back to room for more cards. Tied up tonight 1-1. Watching football before hitting the sack. Repeat tomorrow. Highs in the 80's. Lows in the 70's. Awesome-rific. Sun setting over the cove Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 11/29/15

Cancun Day 1 - Saturday 28 NOV 2015

First full day in the land of the beach.  Got up around nine.  Hit the pool.  Stayed until Noon. Walked next door to Paco's Tacos for lunch.  They have redecorated. Really bright in there.  Just for Kathy, Shelby had the pork and pineapple tacos. Back to the sun deck.  Nick and I hit the ocean. We got whistled at twice because we were too far out. No biggie.  Showers and then dinner was at the Captain's Cove.  Excellent as always. Alligator was back. Returned to room to catch up on football scores. Watching the Norte Dame game of all things. About all we can get.  Purdue gave the oaken bucket away today.  Sad. Weather here is low 80's.  Warm enough at night that not even Shelby required a jacket. Unplugged and  buoying life. Nick and Shelby at the Cove. Me and my crazy bride at the Cove. Sun set from the Cove.

Arrived in Cancun Dec 2015

Plane landed at Noon on Black Friday.  We win! Get the same suite for the entire 12 days! Captain's Cove was booked until 9. Ate dinner at hotel. Slept 13 hours.  Think I've figured out the blog.  Blogger was bought out by Google.  Had to switch apps. Keeping this post short to ensure it works. More with pics later if so.