
Showing posts from December, 2016

Christmas 2016 @ The Seager Ranch

We took several photos during our time at Craig & Sandy's house for Christmas with the kids - and grandkid (soon to be plural). I am posting some photos here so that the rest of the family can see them without me sending an email and filling up your alls InBox.  You're welcome.  Enjoy.... What things looked like BEFORE the storm THE INFAMOUS Stair picture Will got a football in his stocking and seems to be enjoying it Aunt Shelby's present of a Ball Pit - For the Win! Will driving his new truck - and he's not even 1 yet Will sharing his snacks with Axle Night, night.  It's been a LONG day

Cancun Day 9 - Sat 03 DEC

Our last full day here started on the sun deck, but we had to be back in the room by 11 to trade out to another room.  The bellhop didn't come until Noon.  We grabbed a quick bite here at the hotel and then back to the sun deck until 4. We turned in our beach towels and took showers.  We went to the Kukulcan mall and bought more things for Will.  Then across the street we went to eat at La Distilleria again.  We both had flavored margaritas - and they were epic. We have the Penn State / Wisconsin football game on TV.  We leave here at 0600 tomorrow and return to the land of the cold, dark, and work.  That last bit, that's the down side. So, no more posts on this here blog until our next vacation - whenever that will be.  March 2017 to somewhere. Thanks for reading.  You've been a lovely audience. Our balcony view - overlooking the pool. The Royal Caribbean Resort, Cancun, MX. Saturday, 03 DEC 2016 For those of you sti...

Cancun Day 8 - Friday 02 DEC

I rolled at 9:45 this morning and my room was already empty.  I looked toward the pool and saw my bride already sunning herself.  There was no wind today, so we quickly left the Sahara-like pool side and hit the sun deck, where the breeze was slightly better than zero. We ate lunch at the Trade Winds restaurant here at the hotel.  We split two appetizers - barbecue chicken wings and nachos grande.  Back to the sun deck until 4:30.  We took showers and then headed off to Lorenzillo's for dinner.  We sat on the deck overlooking the lagoon and watched the sun set for the day. Sun setting over the lagoon in Cancun, MX Sandy ordered the stuffed filet minot - stuffed with lobster, shrimp, and mushrooms.  I got the Lorenzillo's special - which looked like this: Craig's dinner at Lorenzillo's It cooled off at least ten degrees while we ate and the sun went down.  We enjoyed our French onion soup appetizer and our meals in general. ...

Grandson Will

Got an email from Kathy that her son Will likes to entertain himself during bath time.  Me?  I think he enjoys seafood!  He'd fit right in down here in Cancun. Will "eating" his bath toy fish.  Poor Dory! I asked Grandma Sandy if she was missing the little guy.  Bad idea.  She misses him something fierce!  We're biased, but we think he's a pretty awesome little dude... Next trip we kidnap him and bring him with us!

Cancun Day 7 - Thur 01 DEC

Hey everybody, it's December and the first Thursday.  I'm missing poker night, but I'm winning since the low here is 74 F. It was 'posed to rain today and when we arose this morning it was mostly cloudy.  We called an audible "Oklahoma!" and took a bus to the La Isla mall for a day of shopping.  We had lunch at Johnny Rockets, and enjoyed the burgers quite a bit.  We shopped - and in fact, we completed our shopping for this trip.  The sun broke out, so we came back to the hotel and switched to our suits and hit the sun deck. I talked Sandy into joining me in the ocean.  Yes, that is correct.  This is not a typo.  Sandy went into the ocean.  We could walk out almost 100 yards before it got deep enough to be a concern.  So she took her phone and her little hiney out there with me.  Check out the pictures: In the ocean, looking North up the island of Cancun. Photo taken on a Samsung Galaxy S5 Active phone. One of Sandy's c...