Cancun Day 9 - Sat 03 DEC

Our last full day here started on the sun deck, but we had to be back in the room by 11 to trade out to another room.  The bellhop didn't come until Noon.  We grabbed a quick bite here at the hotel and then back to the sun deck until 4.

We turned in our beach towels and took showers.  We went to the Kukulcan mall and bought more things for Will.  Then across the street we went to eat at La Distilleria again.  We both had flavored margaritas - and they were epic.

We have the Penn State / Wisconsin football game on TV.  We leave here at 0600 tomorrow and return to the land of the cold, dark, and work.  That last bit, that's the down side.

So, no more posts on this here blog until our next vacation - whenever that will be.  March 2017 to somewhere.

Thanks for reading.  You've been a lovely audience.

Our balcony view - overlooking the pool.
The Royal Caribbean Resort, Cancun, MX.
Saturday, 03 DEC 2016

For those of you still reading, I have a story to share about Sandy's growing movie knowledge.
Earlier in the week, I said to her - you can cram it up your cram hole McFleur - and was immediately corrected to - It's LaFleur.  Holy Cow, that's right!  It is.  Point.
Then, as we were sitting on the sun deck, I told her that I must go get into the ocean before I lose my Federali-hood.  She replied, Whatever Martin Lawrence.  When pressed, she could not get the movie title, but she knew the reference and the actor.  Point again.  Heck, two points.
So now I need to find something really obscure to test her limit.  I know anything from Clint Eastwood will be too easy.  I've already made her watch most of the classics 3 or 4 times.  Tombstone might throw her for a loop.  She says I can get her with ANYTHING that has to do with Star Wars - because she could not care any less about those "stupid" movies!  Use the Force, Sandy....use the Force.


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