Final Night - Saturday, 18 MAR

Did the usual today.  Got up and landed on the sun deck.  Lunch here at the hotel.  Back to the sun deck.  Great weather all week.  No rain at all.

We did get a marketing deal for random "VIP" customers.  They want us to sit through the new Vacation Club program that has replaced Time Shares.  So, if we do, we can stay at the Royal Sands, all-inclusive, for 5 days and 4 nights for $100 per person for 4 people.  That's like a $1,500 deal.  So we spend 90 mins (total 3 hours) and get $1500 in return and spend only $400.  We win.  Took that deal.  Can be used any time in the next 18 months and we can add days before or after.  So, next trip down, we should be able to tell you all about the Vacation Club.

Selfie on the sun deck.  Check out the lush!

Dinner was Puerto Madero again.  Excellent meal again.  Awesome sunset.

Sun going down over the lagoon.
Taken from Puerto Madero's deck.

Another shot of the same.  Winning!


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