Cancun Day 7 - Fri DEC 6

It was a day like any other day… up and at the pool by 9.  Lunch at the pool restaurant at Noon.  Lots of photos.  Celebrated with shots at 4.  Showers and then dinner at 6 down at the buffet, which was not a buffet tonight but they did have an awesome dessert table - where most folks had more than just a single dessert.  Back to the rooms to pack and clean up.  The other six are leaving in the morning.  We retired folks?  We are staying an additional two days so that we do not have to fly out on a Saturday with the rest of the world - and also because we can stay longer since, as aforementioned, we are retired!

Sunrise over the beach this morning.  How beautiful is this???

Alex and Kathy taking a selfie by the kiddie pool

Sandy and Kathy at the swim-up bar waiting for our drinks

The whole group with our drinks at the swim-up bar.

We had fun with this photo - We told Hailie that we were going to blur her out of
this picture since she was Out of the Family.  We’re keeping Harrison, but she’s
been voted off the island…

Goofing off in the pool

Our view during lunch

Doing birthday shots - and No, Nick has not yet been present to witness his mother doing shots.
That’s shots - plural.  She did two and that was her limit.  Next year?  Getting tattoos!

The infinity pool photo shoot today

Kathy had Hailie’s phone to take the Infinity Pool photo, so can you guess what happened?
This was the only one safe to publish on the blog!


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