Cancun Day 2 - JAN 31 2021

We hit the sack last night at 10 pm, after a very long day.  We rolled out at 9:30 this morning, and Lesley had gone down to the exercise class at 9.  Since she was the only fool to show up, the instructor canceled the course.  So Lesley and Todd went down to the buffet breakfast here in the resort.  That begs the question, who in their right mind goes down to exercise classes while on vacation???

It was overcast most of the day with a few very light sprinkles.  It made it to 80 degrees with some wind all day.  The pool water was chilly when you got out, but overall very nice.

We asked about capacity and were told that they are at 40%, which they have been since last March.  Made sense to us as the only chairs that are used are around the pool bar.  All other chairs are open.

We laid around the pool all day, even taking lunch next to the pool.  We napped, swam, drank, and generally just soaked up the sun.  It was quite relaxing.

We returned to the room for showers sometime around 4:30.  We all cleaned up and went to the hotel restaurant for Brazillian night.  They had all kinds of meats - think like Fogo de Chao.  It was pretty darn good eats.

We walked around the entire complex and found the dive shop.  We reviewed the excursions and are going to talk with the schedulers tomorrow to get us on an outside trip.  The wind had all but died down to nothing.  It's really quiet around here tonight.  Peaceful even.

Eveing view of the complex from our patio.

This is how they clean the beach of seaweed down here.

The girls doing their 'duck face' & boob push-up pose

And then...they immediately retun to gossip!

And this is what is happening back home - 
the grandkids are out building snow forts & snow men &
having snowball fights.  Epic!


  1. Omg!!!!! I laughed out loud!!! Loved it!!!! Larry looked at me like what the hell!!! When I showed him he laughed out loud too!!!! He said I remember that picture!! I looked at the blog earlier today but didn’t see anything. I made a comment last night, did it come thru ok. Keep having fun !!!! And taking pictures!!!


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