
Showing posts from December, 2021

Travel Day - Saturday DEC 4

 Kathy, Alex, Lorra & Adam left the hotel this morning at 5.  We received a text that their flight is delayed until 11:10 am.  That's an early morning for a long airport sit.  Sandy and I are not even leaving the hotel until 8:30 for a 12:10 flight. I did get the pictures uploaded to yesterday's post.  Go back and check those out. Looks like the weather at home gets colder next week.  Our plan is to go get Christmas trees tomorrow - which also happens to be my bride's 54th birthday.  No worries.  I planned ahead and bought her present before we left on this trip.  Feel free to send her birthday wishes. I would say something snide about her being an old woman or that it's her 60th birthday - but since we are the same age, I'd be making myself just as old.  

Cancun Day 8 & Last - Friday 03 DEC 2021

 Blah, blah, blah...breakfast Blah, blah, blah...sundeck Blah, blah, blah...lunch Blah, blah, blah...drinks Blah, blah, blah...sun, beach, dinner. Got tons of photos to upload, but the internet is being problematic tonight.  We have checked out and are starting to pack.  The other 4 leave at 0500 tomorrow morning.  We roll out of here at 8:30.  They do beat us home, but at least we get a little more sleep. In the mornings, we hear quite a few bird species - like doves and Mexican crows.  But by mid-morning and for the rest of the day, we do not see any birds.  We figured out why.  There are people walking around with animals - like iguanas, parrots and the like.  They want you to pose with the animals while they take professional pictures and charge you $30 each for them.  Well, we see a guy and a gal walking around with a Harris Hawk.  We figure pictures.  Nope.  They are flying the hawk around to keep all the birds away....

Cancun Day 7 - Thursday 02 DEC

 Today started as most of the other days.  Sandy met Alex, Lorra and Adam for breakfast at 8:30.  Kathy and I held down the chairs on a cloudy day.  Looks like the rain will be coming soon.  We laid out until about Noon.  We left the beach as the rain moved in and headed for our Covid tests that were slated for 12:30.  It was a nasal swab.  Went quickly.  We met at the Rotunda bar and ordered lunch, that took a Mexican Minute - about an hour.  We drank in the meantime.  After which, we went to the Luna Bar and had chips and drinks - lots more drinks.  We even got Sandy to take TWO shots of Lemon Drop.  On top of that, she had two "dirty" banana monkeys (think chocolate shakes with bananas and rum).  She said the top of her head was kinda tingly.  Thta's called Being Intoxicated! We met for Asian Night at the buffet at 7.  Adam and Sandy ordered from the menu.  The rest of us ate sushi and all kinds of A...

Cancun Day 6 - Wednesday 01 DEC

 We woke up to the first day of December to a cloudy day.  We met Kathy & Alex on the sundeck about 9 am.  Lorra & Adam were on their way to Tulum. We swam a bit before lunch at the pool.  And then we went to the activity area and played corn hole.  The boys whipped the girls 3-0.  We switched up teams and all you need to know is that I never lost a game.  I went 7-0.  Sandy said she threw the games on purpose so as not to hurt my fragile ego after the girls winning last night.  Everyone knows that is False. We all met in the hotel lobby at 5 pm for the Christmas party and raffles.  Tickets were $20 each, but there were lots of prizes and the money went to under-privileged kids.  So we did not care if we won a thing or not.  Hot Mexican Tea was served while they drew winners.  Prizes ranged from spa days, to wine baskets, to a weeks' stay at this resort.  You want to know the only winner in our group?  It...

Cancun Day 5 - Tuesday 30 NOV

 Yesterday was written under duress.  I have indeed been kidnapped.  While I am not being tortured just yet, the kidnappers have agreed to release me unless you pay them $250k.  Is it worth it?  You decided.  Send funds directly to me!  I will pay the kidnappers. We had our chairs by 8 today.  Sandy was concerned about clouds and rain and wanted as much sun as possible.  While it took all day for the rain to come, the wind was blowing - which was a blessing and a curse.  A blessing as it kept you cool while sunning.  A curse because it kept you too cool once you were wet - which happened a lot as we traversed to and fro the swim-up bar (which happened a lot).  Not that we are complaining!  A price we are willing to pay. Basically a repeat of the day before.  Lunch at the pool.  Left around 3 when the rain started.  Showers.  Dinner was steak and lobsters.  We ate too much.   At this point...