Friday Dec 2 - Day Last for this trip

 Tonight I fired back up the PC.  Tired of typing these posts on the phone.

Up and out early for me - reserved our chairs by 7:30.  Then we ate breakfast before landing by the pool at 9:00.  We had the place to ourselves until about 11, when a group of young (mid-30's) Candians showed up.  Two of them were celebrating 15 years and brought down about 8 friends to celebrate with them for 2 weeks!

We hit the buffet for lunch and then back to the pool by 1:30.  We must have had a sign up that said come join us as another group of 4 took over "our end" of the pool.  They left and did not take their towels nor empty drink glasses - rude.  That was followed by another six people who brought their own bluetooth speaker - playing late 60's / early 70's tunes.  Not our vibe.  We packed up and boogied as it was already 4 pm.

We took a taxi down to Puerto Modero (Argentinian Steak House) for dinner.  We both enjoyed the ribeye steaks and a few beverages.  We checked out on our way back to the room.  All we need to do is pack our bags and catch a taxi to the airport in the morning.  Flight out is 2:45 pm.

Been a great week of awesome weather.  Winds kept us cool today with Sandy hitting the pool only twice.  Ready for our return trip in February.

The ocean was a bit rough today, probably due to winds.
But it sure is gorgeous!

From our balcony, our private pool has been invaded!

Same photo as above, but zoomed in.  That's Sandy lounging in the sun mid-photo

The Christmas tree at the restaurant tonight.

Me, very carefully, cutting a small bit of these stupidly hot peppers.
The Devil's Toenails for sure.

Sandy's ribeye steak and potatoes tonight.


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