Wednesday 29 NOV 2023 Cancun

Not many people looked at yesterday’s post and I slept in this morning, not getting to Wednesday’s update. Don’t feel guilty about any of that. We are still alive and well in paradise… At the pool deck by 0900 as usual. Kinda cloudy and lots of wind. We held off until right after lunch and then decided that we should just make today a shopping day. So we loaded up and hit La Isla shopping mall to buy vanilla and stuff for the grandkids. Back to the rooms before taking sunset pictures and then going off to dinner here at the resort. We’ve had some laughs, as you can see from the photos below. Today’s Sunrise photo. Awesome. Another sunrise shot. This old dude was wearing shells to protect his eyelids. What the shell? Alex and I found these two shells in the ocean and Kathy did a reenactment. Who wore it better??? Sunset over the lagoon from the top floor of our resort.