Cancun - Sunday 26 NOV 2023

 Up at 0700 after catching 10 hours of much-needed sleep.  We skipped breakfast and joined the others at the pool.  Alex and I went for a swim in the ocean.  We grabbed lunch at the pool and returned to our chairs for naps.

While at lunch, we met with our concierge and made reservations for dinners, including tonight’s.  We came back to the room about 4:30 and showered.  We read until time for dinner at Hacienda Sisal, right here on the resort.  Back to the room for some football and another early bed time.

Storms rolled in about 7 pm.  Lots of lightning and thunder but very little rain actually fell.  Weather has been exceptional otherwise.  Very pleasant.  Not suffering much at all, especially since snow flurries fell at home!  

The ocean view, looking NE, from the top of the pool deck.

Sandy’s sandy feet facing E toward the ocean, where I’m out there swimming somewhere.

The view from our second story balcony during the daylight

Lorra and Kathy at dinner tonight
Notice the sad faces…


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