Tuesday, 28 NOV.

 Sandy and I walked out on the deck this morning and made a comment about how it’s a bit more chilly than previous days… And then we laughed.  We were claiming to be “chilly” in shorts and t-shirts while it feels like 5F (-15C) at home!  True, this morning here there was more wind, there were more clouds, and the temperature was not as high.  However, it was still just good enough for us to head for the pool!  

Same as days before… pool, drinks, lunch, naps, pool, drinks, showers, dinner, sleep… Enjoy the photos.

Just before this photo was taken, Alex was also under his towel.
We were laughing because Kathy is usually the cold one
and both Alex and Lorra were under their towels.

The obligatory selfie that these two sent back to their office mates

Alex holding two bowls of soup at dinner tonight.
His laugh is due to the shape of the bowls and what they could resemble.

This is my dessert being prepared tonight

And here is the result.
Yep, it was pretty delicious.


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