Hawii Over - We're Home!

We left Maui at 6:00 pm local, which is 11 pm Indiana time. We arrived in Dallas-Ft. Worth an hour early, so that meant we got to enjoy a 3 hour layover instead of just 2.

We grabbed some food, if you can call it that, at McDonald's and watched the same stories on CNN's Headline news 3 times.

We left DFW and landed in Indy at 11 am - 12 hours later, yuck!  But, we landed safely.

We flew with Indy's Park & Fly - where we park our car at the service and call them upon our return. We were picked up and bused to our running (i.e. WARM) car.  It's like $10 / day, so really worth it during the cold climes.

Although time will probably sooth our butts & backs from the LONG haul to Hawaii, we both agreed that we do NOT have to do that again.  Sure as we say that though, our kids and future grandkids will want to go sometime and will just HAVE to go back.  Darn the luck.

Overall a nice trip.  We got to soak up a FEW rays as it rained all day for 4 straight days.  The Pro Bowl was neat - again a great venue to watch a game.  Wish the weather had been more cooperative, but then again, we were not in -40 degree wind chills like we would have been back here.

I've loaded up all our pictures to the home computer, so I attached a few that didn't make the blog (only the photos taken on the iPad can be posted to the blog since we have no other method for getting them uploaded while out and about).

Glad to be back, but not glad to be going back to work.


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