
Showing posts from November, 2017

Cancun Day 7 - Thurs 30 NOV

Sandy got up early this morning.  Not of her own accord, either.  Seems my phone went off with text messages seven (7) times.  You Tony, RePhil, and Dave are guilty.  Guess I will have my phone on Silent Mode tonight. So, my spouse was by the pool bar by 0915.  I rolled out and made it down an hour later.  We stayed there until it was lunch time.  We ate here at the hotel.  And then went to the sun deck.  There were multiple trips to the pool to cool off and maybe get a drink or two. Sandy rolled at 3:30 to go paint art.  I packed everything up by 4 because the rain was coming.  And man did it come.  No worries.  The sun was behind clouds and the hotel was blocking it by then anyway.  We took showers and then went to Puerto Modero steak house for dinner.  The kids had reservations for Hacienda Sisal at their hotel, so we did not see them today.  We do, however, have reservations for The Captain's Cove ...

Cancun Day 6 - Weds 29 NOV

Got up this morning to rain.  Awww.  I know.  You all can't stand that for us. Originally we were to meet our concierge by the pool bar at 0900.  We called and changed that to be a meeting in our room.  Then the kids arrived.  And the skies cleared up.  Coincidence?  Not if you ask Kathy. We sat by the pool and drank adult happy drinks until lunch.  We walked next door to Paco's Tacos and ate, you guessed it, tacos.  Back to the pool, but not for long.  We moved to the sun deck to get the breeze and stay cooler. Alex and I went down to swim in the ocean.  It is quite rough today.  The waves are at least 4' if not more high and breaking close to shore.  Alex rode one in a bit too far and got tossed like a rag doll.  We had fun & Alex ended up with 2" of sand in his pockets (and other areas that he says will take 2 months to get it all out). The kids went back to the Royal Sands to have Asian night...

Cancun update Tuesday

The mall, La Isla, had a Christmas display set up and Kathy had to have her picture taken.  Alex would NOT get in the photo. While some of you may think it a travesty, I suspect there are a few of you who think it on the hilarious side.  But thanks to Day Care, miss Hadley gave a cold to Will, who shared it with Grandma, who gave it to me.  For the past two days, I could not speak.  Kathy says I sound like Big Foot.  Sandy says it's awesome because when I start to snore, I cough and wake up.  She has had some peaceful sleep the past two days.  The voice has started to come back a bit, but now the cold has relocated to my sinuses.  Fun. Kathy at Christmas display at La Isla mall.

Cancun Day 5 - Tuesday 28 NOV

What are we going to do today, Brain? Same thing we do every day, Pinky! We got up and hit the same chairs at the same time.  We stayed until 10:30 as we are checking out and switching hotels today.  The kids are staying at the Sands while we go south to the Caribbean.  We checked in and our room was ready.  We ate lunch and laid by the pool.  It is warmer today, but the ocean is throwing waves today - we did not get in the ocean today. We met the kids at Lorenzillo's for dinner.  We had awesome food, as always.  For appetizers, we had Oysters Rockefeller and a shrimp & scallop filled crepe (think Giant Chinese dumpling).  Alex and I had the steak & lobster.  The lobster bisque and French onion soup made appearances - excellent.  Sandy had a steak.  Kathy & Lorra has seafood dishes.  Yes, Lorenzillo's is expensive, but it's worth it.  I lost count of the rum & cokes we drank, but I can tell you that Ka...

Cancun Day 4 - Monday, 27 NOV

We got up and hit the pool deck by 9 - where we stayed until lunch.  We walked next door for lunch and then back to the pool deck where we stayed until the sun went behind the hotel at 4. Alex and I swam out about 200 yards to a sandy reef.  The water there is only about 5' deep, but it is over your head getting there.  Tough work against the tide.  This we did twice! He and I also played a couple of games of corn hole.  I won the first game 21-0.  I won the second game 21-18, but I went backwards to 14 three times.  I think I scored over 50 points that game. We did not drink anything since we were on an all-inclusive package.  Right. We ate at the hotel for dinner (after showers of course).  The local restaurant (La Veranda) was having an international night - which consisted of lots of meat on the grill.  Excellent dinner. We went back to the room and played cards.  After all was said and done, the boys won 4 games and t...

Cancun Day 3 - Sunday, 26 NOV

We got up at 0800 this morning because as part of our vacation package (which is awesome BTW: 3 nights, 4 days, all-inclusive food & drink for 4 people = $400!  Winning), we had to sit through the new Vacation Club presentation - for 3 hours.  So Sandy lost some sun today, but we still got a great deal.  She kept saying, "I hope the kids appreciate this." We ate lunch at the pool restaurant next door and then laid on the beach until sunset.  We took showers and then walked to the KuKulKan mall, where we browsed.  We walked across the street and ate at La Distilleria.  We had tequila cheese appetizers and then three of us ate flambe steaks.  Wonderful food. We walked back through the mall and bought supplies (Mt. Dew and Rum) for the room.  We played cards again.  We let the girls win ONE game, but the guys are still champions of the free world! Sunset while eating on the deck at La Distilleria Kathy & Alex in mall ...

Cancun Day 2 - Sat 25 NOV 2017

We got up this morning at 0900, after 13 hours of sleep.  Needed that.  We sat on our private patio and soaked up the sun for two hours.  We skipped lunch as we knew the kids were coming in and would probably be hungry. Kathy, Alex, and Laura arrived at 2 pm.  We checked them in and walked to the sports bar for drinks and appetizers.  We then hit the beach for a few hours. We played corn-hole.  Me and Laura against Kathy & Alex.  We won 21 - 19.  Sandy was taking a shower during that time. We headed off to The Captain's Cove for dinner and had an excellent meal while the sun set. We came back to the hotel and played a round of cards (Alex and I won!) before calling it a night. The weather has been gorgeous.  High of 80 with zero clouds.  The ocean is dead calm.  No waves at all.  The locals said it was a bit cool, but we are loving it. Repeat for the next 6 days... The sun setting at the Captain's Cove, Sat...

Cancun - Friday 24 NOV 2017

My Facebook "memory" post from one year ago came up this morning and it made me laugh.  It was identical to now. We flew into Cancun via Dallas-Ft. Worth.  Left the house at 4:30 am.  Arrived in hotel a little after 4 pm.  Ate dinner at The Veranda restaurant right next to pool and one floor below room. Went to bed by 8 pm and slept for 13 hours! It's due to be 80 all week long. Our view while we ate dinner.