Cancun Day 3 - Sunday, 26 NOV

We got up at 0800 this morning because as part of our vacation package (which is awesome BTW: 3 nights, 4 days, all-inclusive food & drink for 4 people = $400!  Winning), we had to sit through the new Vacation Club presentation - for 3 hours.  So Sandy lost some sun today, but we still got a great deal.  She kept saying, "I hope the kids appreciate this."

We ate lunch at the pool restaurant next door and then laid on the beach until sunset.  We took showers and then walked to the KuKulKan mall, where we browsed.  We walked across the street and ate at La Distilleria.  We had tequila cheese appetizers and then three of us ate flambe steaks.  Wonderful food.

We walked back through the mall and bought supplies (Mt. Dew and Rum) for the room.  We played cards again.  We let the girls win ONE game, but the guys are still champions of the free world!

Sunset while eating on the deck at La Distilleria

Kathy & Alex in mall

Craig & Sandy in mall.
Kathy could have gotten a little closer, maybe?


  1. love that backdrop of 'raindrop' water!
    seems like the 'livin' is easy' where you are :-)


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