Cancun Day 4 - Monday, 27 NOV

We got up and hit the pool deck by 9 - where we stayed until lunch.  We walked next door for lunch and then back to the pool deck where we stayed until the sun went behind the hotel at 4.

Alex and I swam out about 200 yards to a sandy reef.  The water there is only about 5' deep, but it is over your head getting there.  Tough work against the tide.  This we did twice!

He and I also played a couple of games of corn hole.  I won the first game 21-0.  I won the second game 21-18, but I went backwards to 14 three times.  I think I scored over 50 points that game.

We did not drink anything since we were on an all-inclusive package.  Right.

We ate at the hotel for dinner (after showers of course).  The local restaurant (La Veranda) was having an international night - which consisted of lots of meat on the grill.  Excellent dinner.

We went back to the room and played cards.  After all was said and done, the boys won 4 games and the girls won 3.  Although Sandy did deal me a "loner" and then did not keep the stopper card.  We won that game 0 - 39!  Awesome.

Sandy took this photo from the pool deck out toward the ocean.

Looking back toward our hotel.
No, we do not know anyone in this photo, although that might be me in 20 years.

Looking S from our balcony.

Looking N from our balcony.
The ocean has been very calm so far this week.

A night shot of the pool, taken as we walk back to our room.


  1. wow! gorgeous pics! they almost do not look real!!
    watch out for revenge from Alex............


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