
Showing posts from June, 2018

Bahama's Day 7 & Last (6/15/18)

Got up round abouts 10:30 am.  Huddled around here until we booked to Molly Malone's bar for lunch.  There were thunder claps all around for most of the afternoon, but the sun came out just long enough to fry us on our last day here. We laid by the pool until 3, for some of us, 4 for others.  Switched out taking showers.  Drove to the grocery store to stock up on supplies for tonight and tomorrow morning.  Then we went back to Agave for dinner at the shopping mall.  Great food and drinks, and that's why we went back for our last dinner. Most of the kids having before dinner drinks. And poor Alex, drinking by himself. We came back to our resort and played cards.  Nick and I beat Kathy & Shelby 3-0, and the last game was 59 to 1.  Nick did get a Moon Shooter in there.  Nice. We cleaned up a bit and packed what we could.  We are to check-out by 10 and our flight is at 1:30 to ATL.  Be home in our own beds tomo...

Bahamas Day 6 - Thursday June 14

I got up at 10:15 this morning to an empty condo.  Everyone but me and Nick were at the pool already.  Good thing too as this was the first day of the week that the sun was up this early. Kathy, Shelby, and Alex in the pool early this morning. We loaded up and went to the shopping plaza for lunch at the Dive-In restaurant part of the Unexso complex.  Then we came back and got ready for our dive. Craig, Alex, Kathy, Nick, and Captain Fred solving the world's problems. We drove out to about the SE side of the shopping plaza and dove into 45' of H2O.  We dropped into a den of sharks (which we were expecting).  Most of them female and one male - as told by Cap't Fred.  The average was 6' in length, but we did see one 8 footer.  The sharks were Black Tips.  They were mighty ferocious.  We had to fight for our lives.  It was epic.  Kathy punched one in the nose - Stay Away!  You, dear reader, figure out where the tale...

Bahamas Day 5 - Wednesday June 13

We all slept in again until about ten, maybe 10:30.  We hung around the room until 11:45.  Then we drove to what we thought was Bernie's Tiki Hut, which had great reviews on Trip Advisor.  Well, we ended up at the Manta Ray Restaurant at the Manta Ray Village - which turned into a great win for us.  Good food and good setting.  We did walk the beach and find Bernie's afterwards.  They had just opened at 1, since they had a large bon fire last night for the locals / visitors.  Maybe on our next trip we can hit Bernie's. We came back and changed to pool attire and slathered on the sunscreen.  Nick, Kathy, and Alex all had to become pool certified so that we can take a diving trip tomorrow.  Shelby and Sandy have agreed to not go - their choice. The three divers getting instructions The three divers practicing their instructions. That's our swim up bar in the background! We came back to the room and everyone took showers.  W...

Bahama's Day 4 - Tuesday June 12

We all slept in this morning, at least until 10.  It rained this morning for a bit. We spent about an hour at the pool before eating lunch at the resort. We swam and laid by the pool for a couple of hours. Showers were taken.  Nick and I took on Shelby and Kathy in bid euchre.  We won 2 out of three, and Kathy shot the moon without the second right to win game three.  All of this was going on while it poured outside - cats & dogs - with thunder - which we said was Grandpa Robert Seager laughing at us about our poor card playing skills. We drove to the shopping mall to eat at Pisces restaurant.  We had curry, pizza, and mac & cheese.  All pretty darn good.   We came back to take sunset photos.  The rain has subsided.  We figure it was about 90 degrees today before the rain cooled things off.  It is about 75 now - Kathy has long-sleeved shirt on. We have made plans to train in the pool tomorrow for a sc...

Bahama's Day 3 - Monday June 11

We all rolled out at different times today - trying to adjust to the travel schedule.  Breakfast was in the room.  Then we headed off to find the beach.  We have to drive to reach the beach as our hotel / aka Yacht Club sits on the canal / marina and not the ocean per se. We drove the mile or so around and found the beach.  Pretty empty.  Not pristine like Cancun for sure.  If you want anything, you need to bring it.  We walked up and down about 2 properties each way and then headed off to lunch. We made our way to the local market and ate at a Greek restaurant that one of Sandy's coworkers had suggested.  We walked around a few shops but did not find anything we had to buy yet. We came back to the room and lazed around.  Some took naps, others played cards - and for the record, Kathy & I won against Nick & Shelby 2-1.  So now you know who the nappers were. The boys loaded up and went back to the beach, this time to swim ...

Bahama's Day 2 - Sunday June 10

We had hit the local grocery store for supplies so we can have snacks and drinks in the room.  Thus, when we got up this morning, we had some items to eat for breakfast. We slept in a bit and lazed around the room.  We had booked an "update" for our RCI vacation club that was supposed to be 15 minutes and included lunch.  Lies.  We headed over at 11:30, filled out some paperwork, waited until Noon, and then were told we were going to received a 60-90 minute presentation.  Nope.  We stopped right there.  We don't need or want your sales pitch.  Sure they are pleased that Windham and RCI have partnered with them - only two on the island.  Big whoop.  We got here through RCI.  Why another timeshare waste of our vacation?  We walked out. We spent the rest of the day at the pool.  And I can confirm that iPhones do NOT like to be taken in the pool.  My intent was to take pictures by the pool.  I neglected to take s...

Arrived in Bahama Islands - 09 JUN 2018

We left on a Saturday, which we normally do not do to avoid the crowds.  We left at 7:30 am, which we normally do not do to avoid the crowds.  But, it's early June, what kind of crowds are there going to be?  More than our normal routine if we left at 5 am on a Friday.  No worries, though, we're on vacation. We flew through Charlotte, and had to load the plane twice.  We are all boarded and almost seated when it is announced that the paperwork needed to authorize the plane to fly was not signed by the mechanic - basically nullifying the job he/she had performed.  Now we needed a second inspection to verify the work.  So an hour later, we reboard and fly to Grand Bahama island. Landing here was like landing in Cancun 20 years ago.  We walked down a ladder to the tarmac, across the open air to the Customs Building - but this building was air-conditioned.  Much nicer than Cancun 20 years ago.  We were the only plane in line, so it did n...