Bahamas Day 6 - Thursday June 14

I got up at 10:15 this morning to an empty condo.  Everyone but me and Nick were at the pool already.  Good thing too as this was the first day of the week that the sun was up this early.

Kathy, Shelby, and Alex in the pool early this morning.

We loaded up and went to the shopping plaza for lunch at the Dive-In restaurant part of the Unexso complex.  Then we came back and got ready for our dive.

Craig, Alex, Kathy, Nick, and Captain Fred solving the world's problems.

We drove out to about the SE side of the shopping plaza and dove into 45' of H2O.  We dropped into a den of sharks (which we were expecting).  Most of them female and one male - as told by Cap't Fred.  The average was 6' in length, but we did see one 8 footer.  The sharks were Black Tips.  They were mighty ferocious.  We had to fight for our lives.  It was epic.  Kathy punched one in the nose - Stay Away!  You, dear reader, figure out where the tale became false.

The reef was quite broken up and scattered.  We were also told that 250 yards to our S the ocean dropped to 2k feet in depth.  Wow!

We dove for an hour while our hosts, Grand Bahama Scuba, took photos and videos.  They will be posted on Facebook (free advertising) for us to download and / or tag ourselves on Saturday.  We will be sharing those for sure.

After diving, we all took showers and loaded up in the van.  Our intent was to drive to the West end of the island - get to a resort - have dinner and get some epic sunset pictures.  We made it about halfway there and checked on one resort - Big Negative there Ghost Rider.  Not stopping in any of the places we passed.  We turned around and came back to the shopping mall and had dinner at Rum Runners bar & grill.  They make some excellent drinks there!

Upon our return, the Yacht Club had the trees lit up.  This one looked like an American Flag.  Sandy took a nice picture of it.

This is a picture of the beach Kathy took yesterday while we were at Bernie's Tiki Hut

So after I posted this blog update last night, we played some cards.  As the girls will tell the story, they just won the world championship and I will never admit to it on this post.  If you ask me, I will tell you the same thing I have the previous days - Sandy & Shelby beat Nick & Me 2-0.  And we let them win.  We figure that they would stop playing if we didn't let them get a win or two in.

Tonight's cards?  Nick and I went 2-0 versus Kathy & Shelby.


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