Arrived in Bahama Islands - 09 JUN 2018

We left on a Saturday, which we normally do not do to avoid the crowds.  We left at 7:30 am, which we normally do not do to avoid the crowds.  But, it's early June, what kind of crowds are there going to be?  More than our normal routine if we left at 5 am on a Friday.  No worries, though, we're on vacation.

We flew through Charlotte, and had to load the plane twice.  We are all boarded and almost seated when it is announced that the paperwork needed to authorize the plane to fly was not signed by the mechanic - basically nullifying the job he/she had performed.  Now we needed a second inspection to verify the work.  So an hour later, we reboard and fly to Grand Bahama island.

Landing here was like landing in Cancun 20 years ago.  We walked down a ladder to the tarmac, across the open air to the Customs Building - but this building was air-conditioned.  Much nicer than Cancun 20 years ago.  We were the only plane in line, so it did not take any time to get through immigration.  We grabbed our bags and answered a few questions about what we were bringing into the country - and we were free to go.

We rented a van from "Brad's" rental cars.  But only later found out that the cars here are Left-Hand drive (just like the US), but we drive on the Left-Hand side of the road (like in the UK).  I only tried to kill us once by looking LEFT when pulling out of the parking lot.  One must look RIGHT to see on-coming cars.  Sorry! Tourist!

We drove from the airport, on the N of the island, to our condo on the south-side of the island.  We are at the Ocean Reef Yacht Club & Resort.  A nice place.  Gated.  Super room - again, just like our place in Cancun.  The difference here is that we are on the canal, not the ocean.  We are going to have to drive to the ocean.  But so far, everything we have seen says there is no reason not to come back.

We ate dinner by the pool here at the resort.  We drank maybe a few beers and a few rum drinks.  And we looked up the history of the Bahama Islands while we waited for food and drinks.  In that way, things here are similar to the Hawaiian Islands - do not get in a hurry!  For sure, we are on Island Time - that's a real thing!

We are drinking the local beers - well, at least the guys are.  We've tried the Grand Bahama by Kalilk and Sands by Bahamian Brewery for beers.  We have a bottle of Old Nassau rum for the room.  We're trying to be a local as possible.

We called it a night early as we are all very tired from the day of travel.  We shall take photos on Sunday and post what we are looking at here.

Looking forward to a relaxing week near the pool and the ocean.

We have house-sitters back home watching over the pets - so if you all are reading this, thank you!


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