
Showing posts from November, 2018

Bahama's - Day Last - Fri 30 NOV 2018

Up earlier this morning and at the pool by 9:30 am.  The wind was down some and the temperatures were up.  Stayed by the pool until lunch, then ate at the hotel restaurant.  Awesome as usual.  Then to the beach for more sun, and according to Sandy, some naps and snoring on my part.  I did get a swim in at the beach today. The water was as high as we have seen it all week.  We had white caps that approached 10, maybe 12 inches total.  So yeah, the water is seriously calm down here. Another thing we did notice was the amount of people has quadrupled today.  We have gone from being the only ones in the restaurants to having like 4 or 5 other people in there with us.  We chatted a few of them up.  Seems like this is a great "long weekend" get away location.  At least that's what the ladies did who we talked to. Check-out is 10 am, but our flight is not until 3.  So, we have packed all our clothes.  We will check-out at 1...

Bahamas - Thursday 29 NOV 2018

The wind died down.  We hit the pool at 10.  Lunch was here at the hotel and it was good.  We hit the beach directly after lunch and stayed until sunset.  We took showers and then headed downtown for dinner at Sabor.  Our plan is to duplicate this tomorrow.  Weather permitting.  All is good.  I sent pictures today of a giant chess set to Nick.  Flashback to Mel Brooks' History of the World movie - Pawn jumps Queen... Eating lunch here at the hotel.  Life is good. Looks like a Corona commercial.  See how calm the sea is? It's been that way all week.  Just Lovely. Selfie on beach at sunset.  Sandy is grabbing my butt in this picture. That's why I am smiling so broadly.  She says, Prove it! Grandma walking down the beach at sunset looking for shells for kiddos.

Bahamas Day 3 - 28 NOV 2018

Hey Mike, Mike, Mike...what day is it?  It's Wednesday on the island and time for an update on happenings here. We slept in again until 10 am.  It was fully overcast and windy and a bit cooler.  Not that we are complaining because it sure beats the weather in Indiana right now.  High today was 72F. For the third time, we drove over to Silver Beach and finally had lunch at the Manta Ray Beach Club.  You kids will remember this as it is the one we ate at when we were here last, just down the road from our old hotel. Looking off the deck into the ocean Oh, what Manly Shorts you have on Papaw! Painted conch shell on our table Selfie with jacket on and breezy hair, but still at the ocean! After lunch, we went back to the mall to try and finish up our shopping.  We came close, but not quite done.  We have noticed a total lack of people.  Then back to our hotel to sit by the pool for a couple of hours.  Sandy finishe...

Bahama Islands Day 3 - Tuesday 27 NOV 2018

It rained last night and into this morning.  No biggie.  We just slept in.  Got up at 10.  Went back out to Silver Beach to attempt to eat lunch.  Again, the restaurant was not open.  They will be tomorrow. We ate at Playa Lucaya mall, Rum Runners bar.  We ate there with the kids.  We had the double hamburgers.  It was pretty good.  Then we hit the pool.  Not to swim, mind you, to catch some rays.  I finished a book.  I finally got Sandy logged into her Kindle so she could read books. We took showers and then spent some time on FaceTime with the grandbabies.  They had just gotten up from naps.  Conversations were hilarious for us.  Will wanted to know if we were at our house.  Sadly for him, no.  We are in the land of No Snow.  For dinner, we went back to the mall and ate at La Parrilla Steak House.  It was fantastic.  Things we have noticed on this trip versus six months ...

Freeport Day 2

We watched a little football last night before calling it an evening.  Did not see how the game ended, as we were asleep by 9.  Slept in until 9 this morning, until the phone rang.  It was Guest Services telling us of the welcome party tonight and asking if we wanted a tour.  No thanks. We slathered up with sunscreen and hit the pool until about 11:30.  The pool water is very cold, but not Cabo pool cold.  Just takes some getting used to.  We drove over to Silver Beach to eat lunch at the deck that overlooked the ocean.  Too bad, they are closed on Mondays.  We shall go there tomorrow. Instead we went to the mall and ate at Zorba's Greek restaurant.  It was good and they had the temperature set at a cool 68F.  It was warm today. We hit the beach after lunch.  The ocean is calm and warmer than the pool.  We got two calls today from the security company.  The US Mail and UPS delivered packages to the house....

Welcome BACK to the Bahama Islands!

Well, it was quite the adventure to get here.  Flights canceled, delayed, rebooked, and canceled again.  We finally made it about 7 hours later than our original itinerary, but the good news is, we made it!  We are officially on vacation for the next six full days! We are alone this time, just mama and me.  The kids stayed home to care for the pets and watch over the property.  Besides, it will do them good to deal with highs of 30's and snow this week while we are lazing by the pool enjoying the sunshine. So it's Sunday on the island, and we have already taken an adventure.  We started to walk to the shopping center to buy shorts.  Why?  Well because I did not pack a single pair on this trip.  Zero.  Nada.  None.  Why not?  Wife says it's because I'm a dumbass.  I say it's because she made me switch suitcases in the middle of packing, and so I never got to finish.  Regardless, I am in the islands without sho...