Bahamas Day 3 - 28 NOV 2018

Hey Mike, Mike, Mike...what day is it?  It's Wednesday on the island and time for an update on happenings here.

We slept in again until 10 am.  It was fully overcast and windy and a bit cooler.  Not that we are complaining because it sure beats the weather in Indiana right now.  High today was 72F.

For the third time, we drove over to Silver Beach and finally had lunch at the Manta Ray Beach Club.  You kids will remember this as it is the one we ate at when we were here last, just down the road from our old hotel.

Looking off the deck into the ocean

Oh, what Manly Shorts you have on Papaw!

Painted conch shell on our table

Selfie with jacket on and breezy hair, but still at the ocean!

After lunch, we went back to the mall to try and finish up our shopping.  We came close, but not quite done.  We have noticed a total lack of people.  Then back to our hotel to sit by the pool for a couple of hours.  Sandy finished a book, I finished one and a movie, and we are on to others.

After showers, we headed to Giovanni's Italian restaurant in Puerto Lucaya.  Awesome food!  Reasonable price.  But just like last night, we had the place to ourselves.  So we chatted up the owner.  With food this spectacular, why isn't the place flooded with people?

It's a bit political with the Chinese buying the port, the government taking bribes, the hotels getting shut down, the gubment trying to buy them back, etc.  The end game?  Only one airline flies into Grand Bahama island now.  The rental fees, airport landing fees, electricity rates, are forcing people to leave.  Eventually, this will become a manufacturing island.  Nassau is the "golden child" with tons of money being spent there.

No wonder we are not seeing anyone around!  Wondering if we will ever be making a trip back???
Regardless, we are having a good time while we are here.  Today though, Sandy pulled out her jacket during lunch on the beach.  The breeze was a bit too much.  I manned up.  My beautiful blue shorts kept me cozy as pie.

After dinner, we went to get some ice cream.  As we walked away, a local man said, You all ain't from around here - eatin' ice cream on a night light tonight - you must be crazy!  He, like the guard at our hotel, had on pants, long sleeves, and was drinking coffee to keep warm.  They think that 64F is a reason to break out the down clothing, gloves, and boots.  I'm still walking around in manly shorts and a polo that does not match, according to my wife (who actually cares about crap like that, I guess).

Tomorrow is another day.  Looking forward to some beach time!

My view from my pool deck chair, reading a book. 
Beach is directly into the picture from here.

Looking back across the pool toward our hotel room.
Beach is the the left.

Sandy's view from her pool chair, looking at the back side of the lazy river.
Beach is to the right.

See any people?  Us neither.  We own this place!


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