Freeport Day 2

We watched a little football last night before calling it an evening.  Did not see how the game ended, as we were asleep by 9.  Slept in until 9 this morning, until the phone rang.  It was Guest Services telling us of the welcome party tonight and asking if we wanted a tour.  No thanks.

We slathered up with sunscreen and hit the pool until about 11:30.  The pool water is very cold, but not Cabo pool cold.  Just takes some getting used to.  We drove over to Silver Beach to eat lunch at the deck that overlooked the ocean.  Too bad, they are closed on Mondays.  We shall go there tomorrow.

Instead we went to the mall and ate at Zorba's Greek restaurant.  It was good and they had the temperature set at a cool 68F.  It was warm today.

We hit the beach after lunch.  The ocean is calm and warmer than the pool. 

We got two calls today from the security company.  The US Mail and UPS delivered packages to the house.  Thank goodness they put them inside and out of the weather.  Sadly, this set off our alarm and we were called twice.  Brother Trent handled the first one and Kathy handled the second.  Oh well.  At least we know our things are safe.

We get WIFI so long as we are near the front desk or out by the pools.  So we are sitting by the pool doing some Cyber Monday shopping - mostly for the grand babies, so don't get your hopes up. 

Potential for some rain tomorrow, but we'll take it.  75 F and rain beats 30 and snow. 

If you read yesterday's post, then you know about my sole pair of $70 shorts.  They are following me everywhere. 

Nautica Shorts.  Bright Blue.  Black Belt.  Multiple mis-matched shirts.
And look how much I care!

Sun going down over Taino Beach, Freeport, Grand Bahama Island
26 NOV 2018

Our view for the week.  Tough, but somebody's got to do it.

Night shot of our pool.  Yep, two bridges to the middle where there is a 
bar cave and a two-story water slide.


  1. You're spending $70 on shorts and you couldn't get a neutral color?! It's like wearing crocs and socks in the Bahamas. Let me guess...that's next? You know why!


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