
Showing posts from 2019

Cancun - Day Last for 2019

Today I rolled out at 8:30 am.  It took a while for Mama to get into gear.  We hit the beach at 9:30.  And yes, we have been spending a lot of time at the beach.  It's more quiet, and it has a better breeze.  As a bonus, Grandma gets in the ocean at least once a day. Along with that, we need to schedule an intervention upon our return.  Today, Sandy had her THIRD alcoholic drink this trip - and it was a Double!  She claims that I had three before lunch, three with lunch, three after lunch, and three with dinner.  Tis true.  Would argue if I could.  But why is all the rum gone??? It was a poster card perfect day.  82 F.  Light breeze.  Few clouds.  Just plain awful.  I said the week went quickly.  Sandy said it was because I slept the entire time.  Also true.  She is ready to get home, mainly because she has a bunch of work to get done for Christmas. Our plane flies out of here at Noon tomorro...

Cancun - Groundhog Day - Sandy's Birthday

We slept in until almost 10 am today.  We made it to the pool by 10:10, but the maid was chomping at the bit to get in and clean our room.  We stayed by the pool until lunch at the pool restaurant, Char Hut.  Then we hit the beach. The beach was nice because we had a beautiful breeze.  However, our neighbors to the S were very loud.  Everyone within 10 huts heard their stories whether you wanted to or not.  We bailed to the sun deck at 3. We came back to the room at 4:30 and took showers.  We had reservations at Casa Rolandi (Sandy's favorite Italian place on the island).  And since it was her 52nd birthday, I let her pick just this one time where we were going to eat. We came back to the room with coffee and apple crumble dessert and are searching for football on TV. One more day and we return to the land of the working people... The sun going down over the lagoon as we have dinner tonight The pool next door at night The fr...

Cancun - Groundhog Day - Wednesday 4 DEC

So last night, I went to bed at 8 pm.  Sandy racked out at 10.  We got up at 9 am today.  The weather - it be the same.  Zero clouds in the morning.  Hits 80 and some clouds come in to help keep the heat down.  This afternoon, we did sit on the beach. I finished one book and am half-way thru #2.  Sandy is half-way thru book #1. We hit the room at 4.  Took showers and then went to La Isla for shopping.  We got more than what we went for, but nothing we couldn't live without! We did do the wax museum.  It was expensive, like $27 / person.  Some of the figures were well done.  Some totally fake or piss poor renditions.  In the end, we were glad we went thru but do not have to do it again. We came back to the hotel and ate dinner here.  Wednesday is usually Date Night and for dinner tonight - it was Asian food:  sushi, sweet & sour, noodles, chow mein, etc.  I had a wonderful meal.  Sandy ordere...

Cancun Day 4 - Tuesday 3 DEC

Well I let Sleeping Beauty get some more bed time today.  I rolled her out at 9 am.  We hit the kiddie pool here on the 'large' side of the hotel.  Since I am all but fried on my face, I stayed in the shade and read a book. We came to the room to get dry clothes and then ate lunch at the veranda here at the hotel.  Following lunch, we hit the kiddie pool at the small side to avoid the crowds.  The sun left us at 3 so we moved to the sun deck.  Once there, we had our personal waiter, who heard from the guys working yesterday that we are good tippers, so he was on the lookout for us. Back to the room after 4.  We took showers and then I finished book #1.  We grabbed a cab and had dinner at the Captain's Cove.  Fantastic food overlooking the lagoon. Back to the room and we have basketball games on the TV.  Sleeping Beauty is catching up on FB, while I update any one of you out there that happens to read this. Weather is fantastic - ...

Cancun Day 3 - Monday 2 DEC

One of us, having fought off the Pee Genie twice, finally got up at 7:30 this morning.  I turned on ESPN and opened the blinds, slightly.  The other one of us complained - whined even.  I can't sleep, she said, through her snores.  By 8 she was up too.  Funny.  Those things never bother me - sleep right through them I can. We hit the pool until roughly 11.  Then ate lunch. Then we changed back into our suits and hit the sun deck.  We traveled among the pool, the deck, and the beach all afternoon.  I even took a napper or two.  The beach here at the Royal Sands is very wide.  And, you can walk about 100 yards out into the ocean before getting your belly wet - it's that shallow! We came back to the room about 4.  It was still 87 outside.  We showered and then walked down to La Distilleria - one of our favorite restaurants.  Back to the room about 7:30.  Hoping we can last to catch some Monday Night football....

Cancun Day 2 - 01 DEC 2019

This morning we got up to a phone call, reminding us that we had breakfast at 8:30 - which included an update / presentation.  60 minutes they promised.  Ha.  We know how that goes. We did have very nice people filling us in on what is happening with the new Royal Uno.  They are asking current members to help fund the upgrade.  They are begging owners to buy more points.  What do you get?  We ended up with two weeks' worth of points, 2 years of waived maintenance fees, all-inclusive paid this week.  And we will have those 2 weeks for the next 36 years.  This took until lunch to sign all the paperwork.  So we went to lunch and then the sun deck. I took several naps on the sun deck.  We came back up to shower and then had a Caribbean buffet dinner here at the hotel.  We found out that Captain Morgan IS included with our all-inclusive alcohol package.  Look out Liver! Sun setting over the lagoon  Night sho...

Back in Cancun - Long Travel Day 30 NOV 2019

Our flight left Indianapolis at 5:10 am on Saturday, 30 NOV.  That means that we left Mulberry at 2:30 am.  A little bit later than Sandy wanted, but we made it okay.  Lots of traffic for that early in the AM, but it was speedy - even in the rain. We parked at Fly & Ride and took a shuttle to the airport.  Only one side of Security was open, but not many people.  Passed through quickly enough that we had an hour to spare once we made it to our gate. We flew into Charlotte, NC.  The C gates were all under construction.  We did not have to walk far to get to our D gate.  We grabbed some snacks and were off again.  The planes were not that full at all. I do not remember much of either flight.  I do not recall the safety briefing, as I was out.  I just stayed up all night instead of trying to catch any sleep.  But after 25 hours, I was beyond tired and crashed quickly. We arrived in Cancun by 11:30 am and to our hotel, ...

Fall Break - All Home Safe - But it was a Journey

Andy and Family got up at 2 am.  Left for hotel by 3:30.  Could have gone later, they found out as the airport, surprisingly was pretty void of people at that time!  They flew out at 6. We got up at 8 and hit the pool.  Returned to the room for showers and packing at 10.  We left the hotel at 11. Got to airport and everything went fine.  Flew into some rain in Atlanta.  Andy was in Chicago. We crossed when Andy was in Lebanon, we hit Indy.  But we went back to the gate because the airplane radar would not update the weather.  We arrived an hour behind schedule.  That's when we found out that Andy's car had a dead battery.  Not sure how they got it started, but they did. We stopped in Lebanon for some late dinner as we had a full lunch at Guy Fieri's in the Cancun airport. We got home at 11:30 pm.  Long day, but home safe and that's all that matters. Back again in six weeks!  It's good to be us!

Fall Break - Day Last Friday OCT 18, 2019

If I recall correctly, I updated this blog last night BEFORE we all played some cards.  Let me give you an update on that: Austin, who has just learned how to play Euchre, and I smoked Sandy & Andy in Euchre 10 - 2. Everyone had an opportunity to win and also lose at UNO. Rolled out at 0800 this morning.  Michelle was already on the deck reading a book.  The three of us (Michelle, Sandy, and I) went to breakfast downstairs while the other two (Andy & Austin) slept some more. After breakfast, we three laid by the pool to collect more Vitamin D.  The boys went next door to paint some pottery. We all met up at about 12:30 for lunch here at the hotel.  Andy "finally" saw the menu for Paco's Taco's - or what he calls "real" Mexican food.  The best meal he has had all week and he wants to go back for dinner tonight. After lunch we headed for the beach.  The boys swam - the girls?  Well they got their feet wet & then they retired t...

Monkeys, Monkeys Everywhere

At Tulum today, there were all kinds of animals. Michelle and Austin picked Monkeys... Sunrise in Cancun, Royal Islander, 17 OCT 2019

FB D6 - Thurs 10/17

Sandy and I slept in until 10, when we hit the pool.  Lunch was here at the hotel.  The rest of the clan returned about 2:30. Austin's review of Today: Got out of bed at 6:30 am, which is early for me.  Took a tour bus to Tulum.  Saw all the ruins around Tulum.  Saw the beach.  Guided tour.  Saw lots of unique animals and even had a monkey on my head.  Learned how the buildings were painted.  Learned why the buildings were shaped the way they are.  Very hot there.  Returned to swim in ocean and pool.  Dinner at Puerto Mudero.  Took photos of sunset.  Still saw no fish in lagoon.  Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. We stayed by the pool until 6-ish.  Went out for a wonderful steak dinner. Played some Uno and Euchre before bed. Photos today courtesy of Austin: Photo of Tulum The beach at Tulum - roped off to protect the turtles nesting Ruins at Tulum More ruins at Tulum ...

Fall Break - Day 5 - Although they seem to run together

It's camel day.  We are mid-way through our vacation.  We took it easy today.  I slept in until 10.  We loaded up and went to La Isla to shop.  Austin wanted some new shirts and to visit the Gucci store - he wondered about the outlandish prices.  Of course me and DramMa got stuff for the babies back home. We ate lunch at Johnny Rockets - nice break, American food - hamburgers, fries, and milk shakes. We came back and hit the pool, sun deck, and ocean. After showers we split up.  Andy and his family stayed here and ate pizza / pasta night.  Grandma and I took the shuttle down to The Sands.  It was sushi night, but we passed and ate at Hasienda Sisal.  Excellent meal. Tomorrow holds a trip for the Albitz family to Tulum.  Sandy and I just relax about the pool. Some photos to enjoy. View from dinner table - NICE! Shopping at La Isla.  Furnishings for Dia del muerte. Photo to share with Michael, Nick, Ale...

FB D4 TUE 10/15/19 - Tour Day

Actually slept better last night.  Lots of ups & downs by everyone, but more restful.  Out again by 9.  Hit the pool and then the buffet breakfast.  Then Michelle and Andy signed up for some tours. The boys all left at 12:45 for a hike to the Parque Maya Zipline & museum next to the Captain's Cove.  It was a blast and everyone should give it a go.  We have done Selvateca before, and it is awesome.  However, this one is local and takes less than 4 hours.  Here's how it went down. Arrive, pay additional $12 park fee for protecting the reef.  Change into  swimming suits.  Watch an introductory video about the Mayans and the ruins.  Go do zip lines and rope bridges.  Not quite like we did in KY with Tree Top Adventures, because in this event, you are not tied off but there are safety nets for every bridge.  This one is also about 3 stories above water, where the other was about one story above the forest floor...

FB D3 - Monday 10/14/19

Michelle was the first one up this morning and she made a pot of coffee. Sandy and I were out by 8.  Andy got up and the four of us went downstairs to breakfast. We stayed at the pool and ate bbq lunch here.  We hit the pool and the ocean multiple times.  Enough times that Austin and Andy felt like they'd been in a washing machine. We took showers and then rode the shuttle bus over to the Captain's Cove for dinner. We are back in the room now, it's 9 pm local, 10 pm at home. We took a few opportunities to haze people at home.  Enjoy the photos! Sent in reply to Eric Myers who was complaining about work - me too! Texted to the kids, letting them know that we are hitting it hard this morning! Dinner tonight was at the Cove! We are in paradise?  Damn teenagers! Austin's photo of the sun set tonight. The lagoon before the rain.