Fall Break - Day Last Friday OCT 18, 2019

If I recall correctly, I updated this blog last night BEFORE we all played some cards.  Let me give you an update on that:
Austin, who has just learned how to play Euchre, and I smoked Sandy & Andy in Euchre 10 - 2.
Everyone had an opportunity to win and also lose at UNO.

Rolled out at 0800 this morning.  Michelle was already on the deck reading a book.  The three of us (Michelle, Sandy, and I) went to breakfast downstairs while the other two (Andy & Austin) slept some more.

After breakfast, we three laid by the pool to collect more Vitamin D.  The boys went next door to paint some pottery.

We all met up at about 12:30 for lunch here at the hotel.  Andy "finally" saw the menu for Paco's Taco's - or what he calls "real" Mexican food.  The best meal he has had all week and he wants to go back for dinner tonight.

After lunch we headed for the beach.  The boys swam - the girls?  Well they got their feet wet & then they retired to one of the huts with the grass thatched roof and waiters to bring you drinks...
We continued to swim.

A small spot of rain came in but it never kept me from sleeping on the beach chairs.

We made it back up to the room for showers and a change of clothes.  Updating the kids and getting updates on the kids.  It's six o'clock and as far as we can tell, Andy & Austin are still in the swimming pool.

We specifically asked Austin which was better - Cancun for Florida.  He said they were pretty close to the same but he's hoping for a trip to Hawaii in the near future.

The Albitz's leave the hotel at 0430 tomorrow morning to catch a 7 am flight.  Sandy and I are going to hang around and check out at 11.  Our flight does not leave until 1:30 pm.

After lunch hydration before hitting the ocean for a swim

The long beaches of Cancun - looking N from our hotel

And looking S

These seagulls sitting along the shore, all in a line

It was a long line of seagulls


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