
Showing posts from March, 2019

Sell Stocks?

I forgot to mention last night that stocks in Captain Morgan and Modello are set to tank on Monday as I will no longer be supporting them daily. I hope you enjoyed the run and sold high.

Flying Home Tomorrow - Last Update

We got up earlier than usual today - 7:30 am.  We stayed in the room - Sandy completing her fourth book, and me writing up my book reports for the three that I completed this week.  We hit the sun deck about 9:30. Lunch was at 11 here at the hotel.  Then back to the sun deck.  We reflected on what we have on our bucket list before and after retirement in 4-5 short years.  We also talked about our next trip down here later this year. We showered up and took a cab back to Casa Rolandi.  I had the duck breast lettuce wraps and grilled salmon.  Sandy had pasta - cheese, with a veal sauce. Back to the hotel to pack what we can.  We are checking out at 11, but our flight is not until 4.  In Indy by 8 and home by 10. It's been a good week of sleep, refreshment, and mental downtime.  I am glad we have Sunday to recoup, because I will need at least one day alcohol free before returning to a normal work schedule.  I do know this, ther...

Cancun - T-Minus 1 Day

Pretty much the same ole same ole.  Pool by ten.  I stayed under an umbrella and finished book #3.  Sandy already logged book #3.  Ate lunch here at the hotel. Then to the sun deck. What did change today.  Sandy got into the ocean - about 50 yards out.  Got wet to her hair, we know because there is sand in it.  At this point, everyone should be impressed. Back to the room to shower and FaceTime with Miss Mallory.  Out to la Distilleria for dinner.  Had another Mariachi band - this time they played us a romantic song.  I did not recognize it. Fantastic meal, again.  Back to the room.  Watching some of the March Madness games.  Can't get the Purdue game - but Boiler Up everybody! How romantic! One more full day and we return Saturday evening.

Cancun - T-Minus 2 days left (3/20)

Got up earlier today than yesterday.  On the pool deck by 10.  Stayed until Sandy got hungry.  Back to room to change clothes and then head back down for lunch. I swam up to the pool bar as my favorite bartender Frayli was back today.  I got a beer, because every good breakfast starts with beer.  Frayli asked if I wished to keep my tab open - which I normally do not do, but this time I said yes (knowing that we'd be back after lunch).  Frayli made me laugh when he said, "There are lots more opportunities for alcohol here for you" so it's a good thing to leave the tab open.  Know what?  He's right!  There are a lot more opportunities for me there at that bar.  Well played Frayli, well played! After lunch, we dropped our stuff off at the sun deck and then hit the ocean.  I swam, Sandy waded.  No one is surprised.  We took advantage of Happy Hour today. We came back to the room about 4:15 or so.  Showered and then ...

Cancun - Groundhog Day - Tuesday 19 MAR

Ok, I'll admit it, I am already peeling.  Don't think I'll get any sympathy, but that's okay.  Aloe Vera, lotion, and aspirin are made to help control the burn. The forecast called for rain today, so we stayed in until lunch.  We read our books, grandma painted, and then we took a late lunch here at the hotel.  We lathered up and hit the sun deck until 5-ish.  We came back and took showers.  We rode the bus to La Isla to shop. We hit a couple of home runs for the grandkids.  Jackets and a super hero Sr. Frog shirt with a cape for Will.  We're safe, the grands don't know how to read the blog yet. We walked back to Casa Rolandi for dinner.  We had the mushrooms over palenta for our appetizer.  Sandy had the ox tail ravioli, and I had the suckling pig.  There may have been a run at the Capt & coke record previously set at the Crab House.  It was close for an individual record.  The kids may, or may not, remember the...

Cancun Day 3 - Monday, 18 MAR

Pretty standard day today.  Although I was an hour later getting up than my bride.  She went down and got us chairs by the pool bar.  I showed up about ten-ish. We ate lunch here at the hotel.  I had fish tacos.  Sandy ate the steak quesadillas.  We went to the sun deck after lunch and claimed our seats.  It was easy.  We were the only people on the sun deck.  We walked to the ocean and made sand castles and videos for the grandkids. We showered up and then took a cab to a new restaurant for us - la Fish Fritanga.  This place looks like a street vendor that Guy Fieri would skip.  But, once you get past the street level, you walk down to the beach and a lovely setting.  It's not the most fancy place in Cancun, but it was very nice.  We both tried the nurse shark (kinda fishy, like tuna) and then I had the spicy shrimp and Sandy had Shrimp Mignon - which was shrimp twisted into a steak, surrounded by bacon, grilled, and ...

Cancun Day 2 - Sun 17 MAR 2019

Well Happy Saint Paddy's Day to those of you who celebrate such silly things.  One more reason to drink green beer if you ask me.  Just so happens to double with Sister Joan's birthday.  Not sure how many it is, but I know it's more than me.  So let's go with 60!  Happy 60th birthday big sis! How did we celebrate?  We slept in.  And then we stayed out of the sun until well after 1300.  We are wee bit pink.  We made it to the pool after lunch and we stayed in the shade.  There may be some peeling in our future. Coming back from the pool this is what we are faced with.  Just about perfect! We hit la Distilerilla for dinner.  Exceptional as always.  This was our view during dinner. Our biggest issue was, where do you want to eat tonight?  It rough. Weather is exceptional.  Beach is fantastic.  Pool is incredible.  Sandy's company is perfect. It just can't get any better! Looking off our balc...

Cancun Day 1 - Sat 16 MAR 2019

Having arrived yesterday, we slept in today until 0830.  We slathered up and headed for the pool.  We stayed down there until lunch time.  We changed clothes and then ate at the restaurant here at the hotel, right next to the pool.  We did not even have to order drinks - our waiter remembered us and brought us two iced teas and a beer before we ordered a thing.  Awesome. It was 84F and there were barely any clouds in the sky.  We have a few areas that are a bit pink, but overall, not bad for day 1.  After lunch we hit the sun deck.  We stayed there until 4:30 pm.  We took showers and then went to the Captain's Cove for dinner. I am 1/3rd the way thru book 1.  But there has not been much reading yet - it's all been catching up on sleep. We are keeping our rooms at 21.5C right now.  That may change with sunburn temps.  We are catching a few basketball games here and there, but again - catching up on a lot of sleep.  Pr...

Travel Day to Cancun 15 MAR 2019

Me and Mama are 51 years old.  We ain't had a kid in college taking Spring Break for probably ten years.  But here we are, still taking Spring Break for ourselves!  Rolled out of bed at 0300 Friday morning.  Fed pets, took showers, and loaded the Explorer.  Made it to the airport about 0500. The lines to check-in at Delta wrapped around the next airline's kiosk.  No worries, it moved quick enough.  Both security lines were open, so that split the crowd in half.  We made it to our gate with an hour to go before liftoff. Into Atlanta, change gates, and the off to Cancun.  Some maintenance at Customs made the lines appear long, but we got through quicker than expected.  Our luggage was waiting on us.  We grabbed a taxi and were checked in to our hotel by 1250 local time, one hour behind Mulberry. We ate lunch here at the hotel and the put on sunscreen and hit the sun deck.  We stayed out there until 1530, came back to the ro...