Travel Day to Cancun 15 MAR 2019

Me and Mama are 51 years old.  We ain't had a kid in college taking Spring Break for probably ten years.  But here we are, still taking Spring Break for ourselves!  Rolled out of bed at 0300 Friday morning.  Fed pets, took showers, and loaded the Explorer.  Made it to the airport about 0500.

The lines to check-in at Delta wrapped around the next airline's kiosk.  No worries, it moved quick enough.  Both security lines were open, so that split the crowd in half.  We made it to our gate with an hour to go before liftoff.

Into Atlanta, change gates, and the off to Cancun.  Some maintenance at Customs made the lines appear long, but we got through quicker than expected.  Our luggage was waiting on us.  We grabbed a taxi and were checked in to our hotel by 1250 local time, one hour behind Mulberry.

We ate lunch here at the hotel and the put on sunscreen and hit the sun deck.  We stayed out there until 1530, came back to the room to change and watch some March Madness.  Sandy called both sets of parents to let them know we had arrived.  She texted both sets of kids.  We walked down to the restaurant here at the hotel for dinner.

We didn't last long after dinner.  We hit the sack and stayed there for 12 hours.

We awoke to sunshine and not much of a crowd at the pool - today is the 'normal' travel day for folks.  Our weekly forecast has our high of 84F and our low at 71F for the entire week.

We shall post daily updates here for family at home to keep track of us - to make sure we are alive and not kidnapped.  Others are free to read if they so desire.


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