Flying Home Tomorrow - Last Update

We got up earlier than usual today - 7:30 am.  We stayed in the room - Sandy completing her fourth book, and me writing up my book reports for the three that I completed this week.  We hit the sun deck about 9:30.

Lunch was at 11 here at the hotel.  Then back to the sun deck.  We reflected on what we have on our bucket list before and after retirement in 4-5 short years.  We also talked about our next trip down here later this year.

We showered up and took a cab back to Casa Rolandi.  I had the duck breast lettuce wraps and grilled salmon.  Sandy had pasta - cheese, with a veal sauce.

Back to the hotel to pack what we can.  We are checking out at 11, but our flight is not until 4.  In Indy by 8 and home by 10.

It's been a good week of sleep, refreshment, and mental downtime.  I am glad we have Sunday to recoup, because I will need at least one day alcohol free before returning to a normal work schedule.  I do know this, there is not a chance that I have scurvy (arrrggh).  Not with all the limes I have consumed this week.  A slice of lime in each beer and a slice in each rum & coke.  I musta had somewhere between 50 - 60 limes in all since our arrival.  No scurvy here.

Sunset on the lagoon.  Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico.
Friday, 22 MAR 2019


  1. I said it was the citric acid that caused my canker sores. Sandy said it was ‘cause I slept with my mouth open and sun burnt my tongue. Thoughts?


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