Fall Break - D1 - 10/12/19

We roll off the slumber at 0300.  Our flight out of Indy is at 7 and we have to be there 2 hours early for international flights, adding a 1 hour drive time, that means we leave the house at 4 am.  And that's why we got up at 3 am...  A small price to pay, mind you, for we get to spend the next 7 days in our home away from home - beautiful Cancun, MX.  The best part?  We don't have to answer phones, return emails, or speak with anyone we don't want to!  Which may or may not include some of you reading this right now!

There was a line of about six vehicles to get into the Park N Fly, but the trip from parking to airport was simple.  The check-in at SW was quick.  Getting thru the drug dog and security was a breeze.  We had plenty of time for coffee, reading, and people watching before boarding the plane to Atlanta.

This is our first foray back into the cattle cars that are Southwest Airlines.  But, we upgraded and were in the first 20 to board the plane.  Thus, we sat close to the front and had no issues finding seats together.  This would be our recommendation, and is not really any more expensive than any other airline this way.

We landed in Cancun ahead of schedule and at a terminal we had not been in - terminal 4.  The entry into Mexico has been relaxed.  Once you clear immigration, you get to decide if you wish to go thru Customs.  We breezed right out.  We arrived at our hotel at 1 pm, one hour behind Indiana time.

We ate lunch at the local restaurant here in the hotel.  We grabbed towels and seats on the sun deck and took naps.  We showered and went out to Casa Rolandi (Italian) for dinner.  We were in bed by 8:30 pm.

This is what we left - 39 degrees!

The view as we ate lunch

Keeping Hydrated

As the sun is setting, this is the view from our balcony.
Different location, but nearly identical view.


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