
Showing posts from November, 2020

Cancun Day 3 - Monday, 30 NOV

Just goes to show that you cannot trust the ole weatherman.  The call was for 80% chance of rain all day.  I think we got sprinkled on about 2 pm.  Mostly sunny. So, we go to bed early again last night.  Why?  Because we are still catching up from all the travel.  The alcohol probably has little to do with it.  And by early, I mean like 9:30-ish pm.  Well after half-time of the SNF game. I rolled out at 9am.  Most of the clan was already slathered and heading out the door.  I followed suit and was in my chair by the pool at 9:30 am.  We stayed there until lunch.  We came to the room, got dry clothes, and then ate lunch next door at the Char-Hut. Back to the room for putting on our second swimsuit (you know, the one that is dry) - and that folks, is why you take two swimsuits with you on vacation.  You're always putting on a dry one that way.  The boys, we head for the ocean.  It's very mild today, like 3' waves (...

Cancun Day 2 - Sunday 29 NOV

Some of the group was up about 7:30 this morning.  I slept until 8:30 which was still only about 12 hours.  That was enough for my back.  The damn bed is a rock.  And everyone else has the same report - beds are hard. We headed for the main section at the end of the long pool in Phase 1 today.  Alex, Lorra, and Adam went to the Char-Hut for breakfast.  I snoozed some more in the chair.  I did get in the ocean this morning prior to napping. We ate lunch in the Char-Hut as the rain came down.  It had been threatening all morning, but finally hit about Noon.  It was done the same time we were done eating.  We walked back to the room to reapply sunscreen.  Then we hit the sun deck over on Phase 2.  Spent the entire afternoon there. Adam, Alex, and I hit the ocean.  The waves were fantastic today - at least 12' if not 15' tall - from the ocean floor to peak, or about 6' over our heads - maybe those are called 6' waves?.  G...

NOV 2020 - Arrived in Cancun

Saturday, 28 NOV was a travel day.  We stayed up all night, because we left for the airport at 0300.  Upon arrival, we were given the chance to upgrade to First Class for $85 total, for the two of us.  This was a no brainer.  The luggage cost was $60, but it was free if you were flying 1st Class.  Our options were (1) pay $60 and fly coach or (2) pay $85 and fly first class.  The difference is $25!  Upgrade, here we come.  Kathy and Alex enjoyed First Class as well. We flew to Charlotte and had 1 hour to wait before catching the next flight to Cancun.  I slept the entire time - both flights.  Didn't make use of the free drinks in 1st class even.  Just snoozed.  Face masks were required - everywhere. We landed in Cancun about Noon.  We walked through Immigration with zero issues - Sandy had completed our forms on-line before leaving.  Piece of cake.  By the time we hit the restrooms our luggage had arrived.  ...