NOV 2020 - Arrived in Cancun

Saturday, 28 NOV was a travel day.  We stayed up all night, because we left for the airport at 0300.  Upon arrival, we were given the chance to upgrade to First Class for $85 total, for the two of us.  This was a no brainer.  The luggage cost was $60, but it was free if you were flying 1st Class.  Our options were (1) pay $60 and fly coach or (2) pay $85 and fly first class.  The difference is $25!  Upgrade, here we come.  Kathy and Alex enjoyed First Class as well.

We flew to Charlotte and had 1 hour to wait before catching the next flight to Cancun.  I slept the entire time - both flights.  Didn't make use of the free drinks in 1st class even.  Just snoozed.  Face masks were required - everywhere.

We landed in Cancun about Noon.  We walked through Immigration with zero issues - Sandy had completed our forms on-line before leaving.  Piece of cake.  By the time we hit the restrooms our luggage had arrived.  We walked out the "Nothing to Declare" line and grabbed a cab to the hotel.

Our room was ready, so we walked right up, unpacked and headed to the restaurant for lunch.  Lunch was followed by naps.  Then dinner.  Then to bed early.  We were pretty much tired little puppies.

The view from our balcony Saturday afternoon.
We're on the 8th floor or the top floor for our building

The sun going down over the lagoon as we walk downstairs to eat dinner.


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