Cancun Day 3 - Monday, 30 NOV

Just goes to show that you cannot trust the ole weatherman.  The call was for 80% chance of rain all day.  I think we got sprinkled on about 2 pm.  Mostly sunny.

So, we go to bed early again last night.  Why?  Because we are still catching up from all the travel.  The alcohol probably has little to do with it.  And by early, I mean like 9:30-ish pm.  Well after half-time of the SNF game.

I rolled out at 9am.  Most of the clan was already slathered and heading out the door.  I followed suit and was in my chair by the pool at 9:30 am.  We stayed there until lunch.  We came to the room, got dry clothes, and then ate lunch next door at the Char-Hut.

Back to the room for putting on our second swimsuit (you know, the one that is dry) - and that folks, is why you take two swimsuits with you on vacation.  You're always putting on a dry one that way.  The boys, we head for the ocean.  It's very mild today, like 3' waves (from surface of water to max height).

The weather turned out great.  Got up to 82F.  Our low tonight is 72F.  Lot different than those of you back in Indiana - I saw SNOW in the forecast and temps under freezing.  Roger That - it's good to be us!


We stayed at the pool until about 4:30 pm - then back to the room for showers.  We hit the restaurant downstairs for dinner - it was Mexican night.  A good time was had by all.  But....on the way back to the room, I led everyone to the Sports Bar.  Oh what a great time.

We all ordered our drinks, and when the waiter comes back and says, "Ladies First!" Adam pipes up with "There you go Alex."  It went downhill from there.  Poor Alex got the smallest shot glass - shots?  Yes shots?  And even my bride of 34 years (52 years old) who has never had a shot in her LIFE - had TWO, 2, tonight.

Grandma Sandy polishing off her 2nd shot tonight
That's my arm on the right of the picture - finishing my second shot

Cheers - she didn't seem to mind at all!

We came back to the room to put on the football game.  Yet another great day in paradise.  Fun was had by all.  Looking forward to another 4 more of these days!

The view from our balcony as we head out for lunch


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