Cancun Day 4 - Monday 29 NOV

 I know, I know.  I'm late posting this Monday update on Tuesday afternoon.  But read on and find out why.  No, I have not yet been kidnapped - keep up the wishful thinking.  There is, however, a Go Fund Me page established in the event I do get kidnapped.  It's collecting funds to pay the kidnappers to Keep me.  So far it's well over $100k.  Check out #KeepCraigConfined...

The day started early.  Sandy took a beach walk and got a picture of the sun coming up over the ocean.  We were on the sun deck by 8 am and then grabbed a bite to eat at the buffet for breakfast.

Adam did get his parasailing trip in this afternoon and survived.

We stayed on the sun deck until about 3 pm when it started to sprinkle.  The smart ones went to their rooms while those wishing to get drenched in a cold downpour stayed out too long.  The Seagers and Martins are in the smart group.

We showered (separately, unfortunately) and then went for the Mexican buffet - Sandy's favorite.  This is also where they put on the show.  We did not stay for that bit.  What did catch the ladies' eyes were the vendors set up in front of the restaurant entrance.  Yes, we have a few more finger painting tiles and a couple of Christmas gifts.  Those vendors love us.

We all then went to our room with drinks and played the Disney version of Cards Against Humanity.  And get this, Alex actually won!  A first.  Then we played boys v girls in Family Feud.  The scorekeeping got out of hand.  Pretty sure the girls won the game officially, but we all won because we had fun.

We then watched the end of the Monday Night football game, which came down to the last play with 20 seconds left in the game.  That made it about quarter past 11.  Those who needed to walk back to their room did so.  Along the way, Kathy got ahead of Lorra and Adam and hid in the stairwell to scare them.  Just as Lorra was exclaiming that she was NOT going up the stairs because Kathy was going to scare her, Kathy jumped out.  And then, on the way up to their rooms, Mr. Coati was up there waiting for all of them.

The sun coming up at 7:20 over the ocean in Playa del Carmen, MX

Sandy wearing her "eye protection" to keep her eyelids from burning.
Me in the middle taking yet another nap.  Alex at the end.

That would be Adam up there in that parachute

The boys enjoying the sun

Enjoying dinner along the beach

Cotton Candy was available on the menu tonight.
Alex enjoyed his.

The evening view from our balcony


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