
Showing posts from February, 2023

Friday, 10 FEB - Day Last / Home Tomorrow

 What a week!  It’s gone quickly and Todd said this morning what everyone was thinking, “I don’t want to go back!”  The weather has been exceptional, the food pretty good, and the company awesome.  What a relaxing place to visit.  We shall return! This morning, Lorra went down to take sunrise photos and stumbled upon an engagement party.  Spoiler Alert - she said Yes.  There was also a wedding last night at one of the private pools.  And today, the bridal / bachelorette party took the seats next to us at the pool. And that pretty much was our day.  Sit by the pool.  Try to read.  Get in the pool.  Sit by the pool some more and drink.  Maria, our pool attendant, has earned her tips this week.  She has been awesome.   For dinner tonight, we took two taxis (as there are 10 of us), up to Lorenzillo’s.  Lots of soups and a couple platters of oysters Rockefeller were eaten before the main courses.  No one had...

Cancun Day 6 - Thursday 09 FEB 2023

 The day started off as usual.  Up before 8 am.  Down to the pool, reserved by Lorra at 8:15.  We had seats, but two ladies from New Jersey sat between us.  No worries, we sit in the pool more than anything.  We laid around until Maria, our pool waitress, came by to give us our appetizers (aka drinks).  She also told us that there would be a taco bar at our pool today.  We stayed around for lunch.  It hit 82 F (28 C) but the wind was not near as windy.  It was a beautiful day in paradise. Todd and Lesley got up and left by 7 am today.  They were on a SCUBA diving trip to the Mexican underwater museum.  They returned around 1 and went for lunch.  They had a great time but were also on the tired side (as proved by Lesley passing out before 9 tonight).   Funny story - and true story - only Lorra has read the post from yesterday about the birds.  No one else down there had read about my adventure.  So, as I was ...

Cancun Day 5 - Wednesday, 08 FEB 2023

 Today was breezy.  Good thing too as it was up to 81 F (27 C) with mostly sun.  We grabbed the pool back in the corner by the women’s restroom to allow for more privacy and less noise (except for what we made).  It sprinkled a little this morning and with the wind, kept things cooler - too cool for Kathy, as you can see by the photo. Kathy by the pool this morning.  See the darker clouds?  They brought sprinkles. As soon as the rain let up and we were all back out sunning ourselves (like 5 mins, tops) Karma came up and gave me a big ole bite of Shut Your Face.  How, you ask?  By “big rain drops” hitting the deck behind me and on my forearm.  Too large, in fact, to be rain.  Yep, sure enough.  I was the one pooped on today.  I quickly wiped it off and told no one, and since no one saw it, only you (dear reader) and me are the ones who now know about it.  Mind you, we have been coming to Cancun for 30 years.  That’s th...

Cancun Day 4 - Tuesday, 07 FEB 2023

 Todd went down and reserved our pool at 8 with Lorra right behind him.  Most everyone was there by 9-ish.  The sun was out and there was a light breeze - perfect day in paradise.  We stayed by the pool until lunch and even though the pool bar did not “open” until 12:30, we were being served by Maria with regularity by 11.  We did make a couple of trips to our rooms to get beer for the first two hours. While we are relaxing in the pool, we think it was a dove that flew over.  It wasn’t much of a larger bird but its aim was spot on.  Todd took a small splatter to the shoulder but Alex took two blobs to the forehead!  It looked like somebody shot him with sunscreen between his hair line and eyes.  It was awesome.  His nickname has become Shit Head.  Totally epic.  Everyone laughed. We stayed by the pool until about 4:30.  Took showers.  And then walked across the street to Xkat-Ik, a small Mayan-themed restaurant. ...

Cancun Day 3 - Monday, FEB 6, 2023

 Ok, the rains came in last night.  Those of us staying in the B-Side of the suite with the smaller balcony also got less of the gutters and thus it sounded like the showers were on in the rooms.  Got several people up to check.  Just rain folks.  Nothing to see here.  Move along. The rain stayed all morning.  Most of us went down for breakfast by 0900.  And when the rains let up, we put down our books and headed to the pool.  Now here is an important bit of information:  Yesterday, we had some Kardashian wannabes join us in our pool and they were taking all kinds of Instagram photos and going on about how they were better than the “jungle shoot” etc etc etc.  As if anyone has difficulty believing this bit, we all made fun of them.  In fact we took our own photos of them just so those of us who live in reality can see how ridiculous this craze has become, if you didn’t already know.  We thought that was the end of it… Unti...