Friday, 10 FEB - Day Last / Home Tomorrow

What a week! It’s gone quickly and Todd said this morning what everyone was thinking, “I don’t want to go back!” The weather has been exceptional, the food pretty good, and the company awesome. What a relaxing place to visit. We shall return! This morning, Lorra went down to take sunrise photos and stumbled upon an engagement party. Spoiler Alert - she said Yes. There was also a wedding last night at one of the private pools. And today, the bridal / bachelorette party took the seats next to us at the pool. And that pretty much was our day. Sit by the pool. Try to read. Get in the pool. Sit by the pool some more and drink. Maria, our pool attendant, has earned her tips this week. She has been awesome. For dinner tonight, we took two taxis (as there are 10 of us), up to Lorenzillo’s. Lots of soups and a couple platters of oysters Rockefeller were eaten before the main courses. No one had...