Cancun Day 3 - Monday, FEB 6, 2023

 Ok, the rains came in last night.  Those of us staying in the B-Side of the suite with the smaller balcony also got less of the gutters and thus it sounded like the showers were on in the rooms.  Got several people up to check.  Just rain folks.  Nothing to see here.  Move along.

The rain stayed all morning.  Most of us went down for breakfast by 0900.  And when the rains let up, we put down our books and headed to the pool.  Now here is an important bit of information:  Yesterday, we had some Kardashian wannabes join us in our pool and they were taking all kinds of Instagram photos and going on about how they were better than the “jungle shoot” etc etc etc.  As if anyone has difficulty believing this bit, we all made fun of them.  In fact we took our own photos of them just so those of us who live in reality can see how ridiculous this craze has become, if you didn’t already know.  We thought that was the end of it…

Until this morning.  With no one else out because it was overcast and still a bit wet, we all headed for “our pool.”  And then, even before alcohol was involved, the photos from yesterday got re-enacted.  To be honest, we have no clue who these Instagram “influencers” were; we don’t care; and we hesitate to make them even the tiniest bit more famous than they are.  BUT…these re-enactments are worth their weight in gold!  Lorra took yesterday’s photos that we took and did the side-by-side comparisons you see here.  Warning:  What has been seen cannot be unseen!

Alex and Adam doing their best Instagram “influencer” pose
that they learned from yesterday!

This is the best Adam can do

Todd joins in the fun

Alex just being a model!

The foot kick and the waves really set this photo into a class of its own!

We stayed around the pool, under cloud cover for most of the day - taking a break for lunch a 1300.  Back to the rooms for showers and then dinner at the Captain’s Cove next door.  We had to walk about a city block, but there is a definite sewer problem as one of the drains was overflowing, putting “water” on the surface streets (plural).  We had to wade through it - staying far enough back that we did not get splashed by the spray from passing cars.  It was total gross.  In fact, a few showers were taken again after getting back to our rooms.

Dinner was awesome.  Got some sunset, crocodile, and dinner pics.  Just another day in paradise.
The crocodile in the fresh-water lagoon.

The sun going down over the lagoon.

The selfie before dinner

Nick and Alex - with only one being amused

Kathy and Alex

Sunset on the lagoon

The ending of another good day!

EDIT - Some bot or spammer came in and added a bunch of links in the comment sections to lure you to their betting site.  I have turned off comments to keep this from continuing.  So you know, these were legitimate sites but had no bearing on my content nor would I suggest you waste your time visiting them.  They have been removed.  

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