
Showing posts from December, 2013

Packed - Heading Home Sat

First time in a week that our feet have been stuffed into shoes. All checked out and leaving the hotel for the airport at 11. Look out snow, we're coming home! - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Calle Cucumatz, CancĂșn, Mexico

Friday the 13th

What a nice day to end our week. Plenty of wind, but lots of sunshine as well. We spent as much time soaking up the rays as possible. Lunch next door and dinner at the Cove. Fantastic dinner to boot. Forgot to mention earlier that I was whistled out of the water by the life guards for "my own safety." There were two currents coming in and creating some great waves - 4' full curls. Awesome for body surfing. And I've been in worse water. The guard would have none of it. Fun sucker! Things I've would not have gotten at home: fresh cut grass; sun bathing; enough alcohol to support a small village. Things I've missed: my high def TV in English. Not the snow or cold. Packing up and getting ready to fly out tomorrow morning. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Calle Cucumatz, CancĂșn, Mexico

Thursday Dec 12 - redo Weds

I stayed up late and read a book. Mama crashed on the couch. Awoke to more rain this morning. Got in about 2 hours of sun before lunch. Came back to room to read more. Went to the Mayan museum next door as it was still raining. Only $5 each to get in but all the displays are in Spanish. Neat stuff regardless. It is also being expanded by a third. Too bad it was nasty outside, yes we had to ford a river to get there, and no we don't expect any sympathy from the frozen tundra inhabitants. But had the weather cooperated, there is a serious archeological dig right here in Cancun next to the museum and it goes on for about four blocks. Who knew? Showers and then taxi to the Crab House for dinner - our most expensive yet. They no longer give a 10% discount for Royal hotels, but they offered a free appetizer instead. Crab cakes were wonderful. Back to the room for reading and ESPN. We see the the Broncos are beating the Chargers but can't get the game. Finally, the sun poisoning has ...

Weds Dec 11

Not much to report on this, my second attempt to update the blog. First edition got moved to the great unknown when I tried to take a rain photo. Got 2.5 hours of sun bathing in before the rains hit. We ordered pizza in the room for lunch. We read and watched TV. Sandy finished one book today. We went downstairs to eat dinner - Italian night, which we both enjoyed but for different variety of food. And yes, we got soaked walking the short distance to the restaurant. No worries. We kept telling ourselves, "It could be snow. It could be snow!" Sandy is keeping a keen eye on the brutal weather at home. Looks like the snow should be over by the time we land, but the felt 100 degree temperature delta will be a real shock. - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad Location: Calle Cucumatz,CancĂșn,Mexico

Tuesday, Dec 10

Tuesday is landscaping day here at the King Kamehameha Club (sorry, throwback for all the Magnum PI fans out there). Lawn mowers were running before 0800. So we got up and hit the pool before 9. Laid across from the pool bar til lunch time. Ate at the Mayan again - cheeseburgers in paradise - check the pics. Back to the room to change and hit the sun deck. The room stool got stuck in flush mode. No biggie, I can fix that. Pulled the top off and created a fountain. Pretty sure the hose is broken - but it works by spraying water on the lid and filling the tank. At this point, NMP. The sun deck was hot. No wind today and 88F. Sandy says neither Kathy or Shelby would need a sweatshirt today and probably would have gotten in the pool to cool down - like Sandy did 4X, and dunked her head. Yes, it's that hot. Thank goodness for frozen beverages from the pool bar. Took a bus up to the Flamingo Mall late this afternoon. We had a coupon for a free charm from the Lapis jewelry store. We had t...

Monday Dec 9

Up and out by 9 this morning. 10 minute rain came before 10. Back out to enjoy the sun before lunch next door. On the way back, we ran into the Magic Finger guys doing their finger painting on tiles. Laid out on the sun deck until dinner. Had another 4 minute shower. Didn't stop us from enjoying the day. I hit the ocean for a swim. Double breaking waves with a full curl on the outside set. Fun to body surf. Wind chill hovering around 91F. Took showers and headed back to the Cove for dinner. Sandy had the shrimp trio and I ordered the Hogfish fillet. Awesome eats and I would have it again. Last night we ate here in the RC. They mixed up our steaks. Sandy's ribeye was med-rare and my prime was med-well. No worries. We made the best of it. Have found that my limit is six beers until I'm too full to drink any more. Have not found the limit on Cap't Morgan and coke. Sitting in room watching MNF. Ditka gets his number retired at the half. Saw that Nick, Alex and gang won Silv...

Sunday Dec 8

Sleep was not as refreshing for Sandy as it was for me. She hit the pool at 0830 this morning. And for the second time on this trip, someone here at the Caribbean said they recognized her or remember her from before. Probably true because when she parties, she parties HARD! Crazy woman. Mostly sunny and mid 80's all day. Pleasant breeze with cloud buddies. Not sure the over/under on sun poisoning, but none yet...yet. Ate lunch at the Mayan again. Joined the Welcome party but just for the free beer. Showered and then hit the karaoke bar downstairs to watch football. Dinner here at the Caribbean - steak and lobster. Sandy also had key lime pie and sent a nasty text to Kathy. Back in the room around 7:30 and watching more football before crashing early again. More of the same tomorrow. First pic below is off the sun deck looking E at the beach. The second is looking back SW at our hotel. Our room is two floors up behind the palm tree dead center of photo, just above the pool bar roof....

Cancun Day 1 - Sat Dec 7

Got up after about 3 hours of sleep. Nick, Eric and I were trying to win Clan Wars on COD Ghosts. Temps hovered around 15 F and Sandy wore gloves to the airport. Flight was delayed about 30 mins for deicing. Other than that, pretty uneventful. I watched "We are the Millers" or something like that. Landed about 10 local, one hour behind Indiana. Ate lunch at the Mayan and checked into room 616, one floor above front deck and two above pool. On the SW side underneath the camera and across from the pool bar. Hit the pool and sun deck until dinner at the Cove. We both tried new dishes that were excellent. Returned to room and crashed. The technology has changed. We now have our own router in the room. Thus there are different passwords for the public RC wifi and our room wifi. None of them seem to work on either my phone or iPad. Sandy is loving it because her stuff works. I have shut off my phone and Sandy's. The only way to reach us is via our gmail accounts. After mess...

Cancun T-Minus 4 Days

Early this Saturday, we are headed for Cancun - for about the 25th time.  Yes, we love it down there. Nick and Shelby are staying at the house to keep tabs on the pets. It's muzzle loading season for deer, so the boys will be hunting sometime. Check back here to see how we're doing in the land of sandy beaches.