Friday the 13th

What a nice day to end our week. Plenty of wind, but lots of sunshine as well. We spent as much time soaking up the rays as possible.

Lunch next door and dinner at the Cove. Fantastic dinner to boot.

Forgot to mention earlier that I was whistled out of the water by the life guards for "my own safety." There were two currents coming in and creating some great waves - 4' full curls. Awesome for body surfing. And I've been in worse water. The guard would have none of it. Fun sucker!

Things I've would not have gotten at home: fresh cut grass; sun bathing; enough alcohol to support a small village.
Things I've missed: my high def TV in English. Not the snow or cold.

Packing up and getting ready to fly out tomorrow morning.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Calle Cucumatz, CancĂșn, Mexico


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