
Showing posts from December, 2014

Home Safe from another holiday

We got up at 0800 Saturday morning and hit the pool.  It was windy and kind of cool, but we were still in swimming suits! We headed to the room at 10 for showers and grabbed a taxi to the aeroporto at 11.  This was the most calm, serene, and careful taxi driver in all of Mexico.  He drove the speed limit, used his turn signals, and slowed down in the construction zones.  Amazing! The hoards of people trying to get through the Delta line was impressive.  I thanked God we were not on THAT airline.  So did Sandy.  She did not want to wait with me in that line....mental note: do NOT fly Delta out of Cancun. We grabbed lunch at the Margaritaville in the airport and then killed time while waiting on our flight.  They boarded us an hour early and we took off ten minutes early.  Nice. While on the flight, a lady with an oxygen pump had a mechanical issue and her saturation level dropped to 72.  95-100 is normal; below 80 and your organs ...

Cancún Groundhog Day Last

Sandy hit the pool at 10:30. It was clear, hot and packed. She moved to the sun deck. She came back up to retrieve me at 11:45 because she was hungry. We went next door and Sandy ordered a cheeseburger. Now the burger itself was huge, but so under done that not even I would have eaten it. They took it off our bill and apologized profusely. Back to the sun deck after lunch. It was hot and not long before I hit the beach for some more wave riding. The clouds came in about 2. We hung around for another hour or so and then took showers. We headed for the Capt's Cove for our last dinner. They were packed. Didn't matter much though as we had great food. We came back to the hotel and ordered key lime pie for both dessert and breakfast. We told our waiter what we were doing (hazing our children) so he gladly took photos for us. Caught up on email and watched some tube before checking out. My bag weighs 48# with all the stuff we bought down here - mostly vanilla. Not a single book was ...

Cancún Groundhog Day plus

Got up at usual time, but it was cloudy and quite windy out. We delayed heading to the pool until 11. Stayed an hour. Took lunch next door at Paco's Tacos. The sun came out after lunch, but the wind didn't let up. Suffice to say that neither of us got wet today - no pool, no ocean. It would have been too cool otherwise. I know, cry you a river. Poor Kathy and Shelby would have required sweatshirts. We left the sun deck a little after 3 and went to do the most stressful thing we've done all week - we painted ceramics. For two hours, we painted ceramics. Holy cow! I had no idea how poor the brushes would be. I mean it couldn't have been us. I challenge you - try to stay inside the lines. Stress. Thankfully, tonight was fajita night at the hotel. Nothing like a belly full of rum and fajitas to calm your nerves. We tried to catch the football game at the hotel bar. Problem is that it's on the NFL network and we could not get it. Fortunately though we lucked into Karaoke...

Cancún Groundhog Day

We have lost all concept of space and time. Although this is a great place for that to happen. Not nearly as cloudy today. Hot. Very nice. At the pool before ten. Lunch was here. Date night is here for Italian Buffett. Sandy did take some photos on her Kindle and sent them to Kathy and Nick. Just hazing. So we're trying to figure out how to turn our weeklong vacation into a several months long vacation. We've considered selling body parts, but that's one and done. I mean how many kidneys can one person sell? Next on the list was prostitution. We figure if it took a quarter to travel around the world, we would not have enough to get out of the county if we had to rely on prostitution. Illegal drugs did not make the list because neither of us wants to go to a Mexican prison. I guess we'll just have wait until we hit the lotto. Until then, we have about three more Groundhog Days left to enjoy! And for my daughter who was worried about my pocket knife, it's safe at home...

Cancún Day 3 - Tuesday Dec Sumptin 2014

This morning, Sandy rolled over said, is it 8 o'clock yet? I said, it's 9:30. Bam. Daylight is wasting. She was at the pool before 10! We walked next door for lunch around Noon. Clouds and wind came in this afternoon, but good thing because it would have been really hot otherwise. The tile painters were here today, and it is their only day here. Shopping is done. We showered and walked back over to the Capt's Cove for dinner. Sandy had shrimp fettuccine and I had stuffed grouper. We ordered key lime pie to have for breakfast tomorrow. Sandy got a couple of rashes today on her shoulders and legs, but they did not last. No sun poisoning to date. Relaxing. I told our concierge that we eat when we're hungry and sleep when we're tired and those were our entire plans for the week. He wanted to vacation with us! More of the same tomorrow. Christmas lights at the hotel next door. Fresh rolls at the Capt's Cove. We ate some for Alex. Our view while we had dinner tonight...

Cancún Day 3 - Monday 08 Dec

Ok. So we're on vacation. I really have no clue what day it is. Dave Porrill is celebrating tomorrow, not today. Sandy hit the pool at 8:30 this morning. I stayed away this morning as I got plenty of sun yesterday. She came back up for lunch at Noon. We went next door as the Welcome Party was today and we wanted to avoid the crowd. Clouds rolled in, but weather was pleasant. We stayed out until 4. I hit the beach and did some body surfing. And let me tell ya, this is a lot of body to surf. I judge the surf by distance and clothing to retrieve. I hit the sand twice and had to pull my suit back up. That's some good surfing! We ate dinner here at the hotel for Cajun Night. Food was excellent and Sandy had a drink for Leslie. I actually tried the Cajun meatloaf and then had two pieces of German Chocolate cake - it was so fluffy I almost died! Sandy took photos to verify and eventually to haze Shelby with. Then we went to old town and did the pub crawl home. Sandy was puking af...

Day 2 Cancún, Mexico 2014

We slept for 12 hours last night even though I had to get up and turn the AC down (ie make it colder) as it was too hot to sleep. How many of you had that issue? Got up and ate snacks in the room for breakfast before heading pool side. We grabbed lunch at the restaurant here and then back to the pool. We stayed until about 3:30 when the clouds rolled in. Hit the room for showers and then to La Isla mall for shopping. While there it rained - really rained. No worries as we were indoors. Returned to the hotel and grabbed dinner here. Each night the restaurant has a theme for dinner. We have hit most themes but never had this one, BBQ. Sandy had steak, shrimp, and chicken kabobs. I had grouper in banana leaves. Back to the room to watch football. Repeat X 5 more days. Actually several channels in English to watch on TV - nice. Shout out to Dave and Ann Porrill who celebrate 25 years of marriage tomorrow. He and I are both fortunate to find women who would put up with us for a month, let a...

Cancún, MX 06 Dec 2014

Short night as we rolled south to Indy at 5:00 am Saturday. No issues checking in or boarding airplane. Direct flight on Frontier at 2 hours and 50 minutes. It took a very long time for our luggage to arrive, but at least it did. Grabbed a private taxi to hotel. Made it here at 11:20 am local, which is an hour behind Indiana. Check-in was not until Noon, so we hit the restaurant here at the hotel for lunch and then booked our room. Changed clothes and were poolside by 1 pm. It's 85 F and hardly a cloud in the sky. We both napped beside the pool. Sandy left a VM for Gramma Damnit and then called to speak with Kathy. She was to inform the rest of the crew that we are alive and well. Back to the room for showers and we walked to the Capt's Cove for dinner around 5. Took some photos to share with y'all and to prove that I brought my bride with me. Got football on TV, but doubting we're long for this world. It's a good day. The view from our balcony. Sun going down over ...