Cancún Groundhog Day plus

Got up at usual time, but it was cloudy and quite windy out. We delayed heading to the pool until 11. Stayed an hour. Took lunch next door at Paco's Tacos.

The sun came out after lunch, but the wind didn't let up. Suffice to say that neither of us got wet today - no pool, no ocean. It would have been too cool otherwise. I know, cry you a river. Poor Kathy and Shelby would have required sweatshirts.

We left the sun deck a little after 3 and went to do the most stressful thing we've done all week - we painted ceramics. For two hours, we painted ceramics. Holy cow! I had no idea how poor the brushes would be. I mean it couldn't have been us. I challenge you - try to stay inside the lines. Stress.

Thankfully, tonight was fajita night at the hotel. Nothing like a belly full of rum and fajitas to calm your nerves.

We tried to catch the football game at the hotel bar. Problem is that it's on the NFL network and we could not get it. Fortunately though we lucked into Karaoke night and we have an awesome video of Sandy performing The Piña Colada song. (You're singing it right now, aren't you? If you like piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain...)

Back at the room Sandy, yes Sandy, downloaded the NFL app on her Kindle to stream the game live. No go. Can't stream in USA nor Mexico. What a load of hooey.

I mentioned that we had one night left before we return to reality. Sandy said she prefers to think of it as one more full day. Ok, fine by me.

Have concluded that Sandy's rash problems are due to a reaction to the new sunscreen. Sorry Kathy, problem resolved.

No sunburns to report. Only had a single Speedo alert for the whole week. All is well in paradise!

I dare you to get the piña colada song outta you head...
If you are not into yoga, and you have half a brain...

You're welcome!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Royal Caribbean, Cancún, Mexico


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