
Showing posts from 2015

Cancun Day 11 - Tuesday 08 Dec

Got up at 3 am not feeling well. Not enough covers in room to keep me warm. Took a hot shower at 4:30. Up and down all afternoon. Skipped lunch. Rained most of day anyway. Cooler. Not much sun. Sandy packed things up while I laid on the couch and doped up. Dinner was at the Cove. Plane leaves at 11:30 tomorrow, Heading home.

Cancun Day 10 - Monday 07 Dec

Not much new. Same old thing. Dinner next door at Islander. Some sun, some clouds, some rain.

Sunday's Pictures

Pics from dinner on Sunday. Me and my bride Sunset over lagoon. Sunday 06 Dec 2015

Cancun Day 9 - Sunday 06 Dec

Pretty lazy Sunday. At the pool by 10. Lots of new faces around. Ordered pizza to the room for lunch. Sprinkled just a bit. Lots of clouds today. Not much sun. Went to La Distilleria for dinner. Excellent meal. Watching the Patriots getting a beat down by the Eagles. We hope. Took pictures on my phone. Will attempt to post them.

Cancun Day 8 - Saturday 05 Dec

Today is my bride's 48th birthday. No better place to celebrate than in Cancun! Winning. The maid got Nick and I up at 0900. The girls were already up and having showers. We ate some leftovers for breakfast and then Nick and I checked them out - 45 minutes worth of waiting. The rain has still not left. We waited for a break and then hit Paco's Tacos for lunch.  Nick and Shelby headed for the airport about 12:30.  As soon as they left, the sun came out. Sandy and I put on sunscreen and hit the sun deck. I slept for a while. It sprinkled once, but we stayed out until the last dying rays of sun dropped behind the hotel. We have not seen the sun in two days, we soaked it up! We took showers and then grabbed the only cab to Lorenzillo's. Strange, only one cab. As we left the hotel, we found out why, there is a half marathon tonight. The south lanes are closed. The race starts in downtown Cancun at the Capitol building, then goes along the hotel zone to the airport and back. No s

Cancun Day 7 - Friday 04 Dec

Not much to say today. Rained all day again today. Lunch was here at the hotel. Girls lost at cards again 2-0. No surprise there. Went back up to Cambalache for dinner. Finished shopping.  Came back to try and watch football, but could get no games. Hoping for better weather tomorrow.

Cancun Day 6 - Thursday 03 Dec

Up about the usual time today, but it was raining.  Girls went to the art shop and painted. Seems like that was the thing to do as they were crowded. We walked next door to have lunch at Xkat-Il, you know, the place with the awesome corn chowder. We sat there and let the rain stop, as it has been off and on all day. Came back and played cards. The girls finally doubled their win tally to 2, as we split today 1-1. Should make the good guys up about 10-2, or somewhere in there.  And to be honest, you should have heard us whine when we did not get the cards and lost a game.  No sympathy from the women. We read books, played with our electronic devices, and took showers. Lazy, rainy, day in Cancun. The Indians are getting restless. We headed for the Captain's Cove for dinner at 6. The rain is over.  We figure we will get no sympathy from anyone not here in Cancun with us- aww, it rained all day? Yep.  But it was still 75 and rain on the beach.  Still winning. Came back and watched the

Update Day 5

I forgot to mention last night that for the first time in 20 years, over 30 trips to Cancun, we had a female taxi driver. Never before has this occurred - we've always had male taxi drivers, usually over the age of 50.  Not sure why.  Also, the taxi trip up to and back from Cambalache was the slowest, smoothest, and least wild ride we've ever had in a taxi.  We are guessing that the policia have cracked down on speeding and quick lane changes. No other reasonable explanation fits our story line. The speed limit here is 70 kilometers per hour or 43.5 mph. I suspect we were under 40 the whole way.  Nick was suggesting we go faster so he could get uncramped from the back sooner. Too bad.

Cancun Day 5 - Wednesday 02 Dec

We all got a late start today. Nick didn't make it to the pool until 11.  Lunch was back over at Paco's Tacos. It was only 86 degrees today but felt hotter because there was no wind to speak of. We hit the sun deck after lunch. Nick and I hit the ocean. Showers and then dinner up north at Cambalache. Excellent as always. We shopped at the mall afterwards. Back to the hotel for ice cream and pictures by the Christmas tree. Cards again.  The girls came close, but got stuck at 49. We came back from about 20 points down to win on bidder goes out. Boys won two more tonight, and still wonder why they keep playing. Nick and Shelby by the Christmas tree. Goofing off by the Christmas tree. Sandy and me by the tree.

Cancun Day 4 - Tuesday 01 Dec

Caught the blocked field goal by the Ravens to win MNF. Wow. Up and at the beach. Girls 0900. Boys 1000.  Lunch here. Back at the pool.  Very light breeze. Hot today. Called it quits by 3.  Showers and then cards before dinner.  Boys up 2-0. Dinner next door at outside restaurant. No clue the name, but authentic Mayan fare. We all had corn chowder for Kathy.  Not really, just me and Shelby.  Sandy and Nick had shrimp cocktail. Shelby and I had the pork. Nick ate coconut shrimp and Sandy had tequila shrimp. Great food. Even better price. Pictures are a bit grainy because it was getting dark, so I apologize for the quality. Nick and Shelby at the outdoor restaurant. Me and Sandy before dinner. Looking out over the cove during dinner. Corn chowder was awesome Kathy. Shelby said she's bringing home ten gallons for the two of you. Came back to hotel and got some gelato.  More cards. Boys up again 2-0.  The girls just ain't getting any cards!  Wow, that's like 9-1 for the week.  

Cancun Day 3 - Monday 30 Nov

To bed last night at 10 but caught Denver beating The Cheetahs in overtime. Yeah! Had some issues with pictures. Sent them to my iPad in email. Copied and pasted. Looked fine for me, but not you all. Sad. They were good pics. So I'll be using photos taken directly from the iPad. Like this one from ten o'clock this morning. We ate lunch next door inside. Stayed at the pool all day. Warm.  Dinner was Cajin night here. Played more cards.  Sandy dealt me a lone to win 52-50. Boys up 5-1.  It rained from six to seven. Mattered not as we were eating. However, right before the rain hit us, we say this awesome double rainbow over the water. It was pretty, but none of us cried. Sunset here in Cancun, Monday, Nov 30. Looking out over the ocean. We figure it hit mid eighties today. Wind was slight so it felt hotter. Slight chance of rain later in the week. But hey, we'll take rain here and 80 versus Indiana right now. Winning!

Photo Test

The first day I posted pictures taken on the iPad. Yesterday's photos were taken on our phones and emailed to the iPad. I then copied them to the blog. All comments and emails are making it here - Dave and Kathy. Thx. Someone please confirm that the following picture taken on the iPad works fine.

Cancun Day 2 - Sunday 29 Nov

Nick and Shelby on the beach. Me and Sandy at dinner. We played cards last night. Boys won 2-0. Got up about 0900. Hit the pool. Lunch was outdoors next door. The girls wanted quesadillas. Hit the beach. Took showers and then headed to La Isla to shop. Lorenzillo's for dinner. It was awesome. Saw crocodile.  Back to room for more cards. Tied up tonight 1-1. Watching football before hitting the sack. Repeat tomorrow. Highs in the 80's. Lows in the 70's. Awesome-rific. Sun setting over the cove Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico 11/29/15

Cancun Day 1 - Saturday 28 NOV 2015

First full day in the land of the beach.  Got up around nine.  Hit the pool.  Stayed until Noon. Walked next door to Paco's Tacos for lunch.  They have redecorated. Really bright in there.  Just for Kathy, Shelby had the pork and pineapple tacos. Back to the sun deck.  Nick and I hit the ocean. We got whistled at twice because we were too far out. No biggie.  Showers and then dinner was at the Captain's Cove.  Excellent as always. Alligator was back. Returned to room to catch up on football scores. Watching the Norte Dame game of all things. About all we can get.  Purdue gave the oaken bucket away today.  Sad. Weather here is low 80's.  Warm enough at night that not even Shelby required a jacket. Unplugged and  buoying life. Nick and Shelby at the Cove. Me and my crazy bride at the Cove. Sun set from the Cove.

Arrived in Cancun Dec 2015

Plane landed at Noon on Black Friday.  We win! Get the same suite for the entire 12 days! Captain's Cove was booked until 9. Ate dinner at hotel. Slept 13 hours.  Think I've figured out the blog.  Blogger was bought out by Google.  Had to switch apps. Keeping this post short to ensure it works. More with pics later if so.

Cancun March 2015

For some reason I cannot get my iPad to post to my blog. Am trying on my phone, for anyone out there in the blogosphere that even cares. Star date Sunday March 8 2015. And I don't want to hear from any trekkies. Slept til ten or nine or eleven. We really have no clue what time it is. We did the Spring ahead but are not sure Cancun so sprung. We think we're an hour behind Indiana time. Today was sun, eat, swim, sun, welcome party (me only), sun, drink, shower and eat. Repeat X7 and that's pretty much our week. We ate at Lorenzillo's for dinner.  And although it was a little more expensive than the cove, it was a fabulous meal. We're trying to figure out when to go back there for another meal. Sun has set and we are reading on the patio in shorts.  As warm as it may get back home, I doubt it's swimming weather warm like here. More later as this is a test.