Cancun Day 5 - Wednesday 02 Dec

We all got a late start today. Nick didn't make it to the pool until 11. 
Lunch was back over at Paco's Tacos.

It was only 86 degrees today but felt hotter because there was no wind to speak of.

We hit the sun deck after lunch. Nick and I hit the ocean.

Showers and then dinner up north at Cambalache. Excellent as always.
We shopped at the mall afterwards.

Back to the hotel for ice cream and pictures by the Christmas tree.

Cards again.  The girls came close, but got stuck at 49. We came back from about 20 points down to win on bidder goes out. Boys won two more tonight, and still wonder why they keep playing.

Nick and Shelby by the Christmas tree.

Goofing off by the Christmas tree.

Sandy and me by the tree.


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