Cancun Day 8 - Saturday 05 Dec

Today is my bride's 48th birthday. No better place to celebrate than in Cancun! Winning.

The maid got Nick and I up at 0900. The girls were already up and having showers. We ate some leftovers for breakfast and then Nick and I checked them out - 45 minutes worth of waiting.
The rain has still not left.

We waited for a break and then hit Paco's Tacos for lunch.  Nick and Shelby headed for the airport about 12:30.  As soon as they left, the sun came out. Sandy and I put on sunscreen and hit the sun deck. I slept for a while. It sprinkled once, but we stayed out until the last dying rays of sun dropped behind the hotel. We have not seen the sun in two days, we soaked it up!

We took showers and then grabbed the only cab to Lorenzillo's. Strange, only one cab. As we left the hotel, we found out why, there is a half marathon tonight. The south lanes are closed. The race starts in downtown Cancun at the Capitol building, then goes along the hotel zone to the airport and back. No southbound traffic until after 9. How will we get back? Not sure yet.

Dinner at Lorenzillo's was excellent as always. Beautiful sunset. Crocs and fish. 
Sunset at Lorenzillo's Saturday Dec 05, 2015

Bread basket at Lorenzillo's to tease Alex.

After dinner, we walked back to La Isla and shopped a bit. From there we walked to Kukulcan Plaza, and believe it or not, shopped some more. At this point, we figured we were close enough we could walk the rest of the way back to our hotel. The other choice? Take a cab north to downtown, S to the airport, and then back around to our hotel. This is at least a 30 minute ride. We walked. And we walked, and then the rains came again. About 1.5 miles out we are walking in the pouring rain. Soaked to the underwear. 

During our wet walk, Nick texted that they had passed through Charlotte but had issues with Sandy's nativity scene that they were taking home for her. The way it was packaged gave the appearance of grenades. Awesome for Nick and Shelby. You terrorists!  

We made it back to the hotel.  We estimate that we walked 5 miles more or less, with 1.5 of those in the rain. Our clothes are wetter than our swimming suits.  Oh well, at least we have a story.

Drowned rats taking a selfie. We kinda look like those druggies who invaded Walmart. Cute.


  1. What's different about the way you look in this selfie? Not sure I see anything unusual!

  2. the picture proves why I can say it's in my genetics and it's not my fault


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