Cancun - Day Last - At least for this trip...

Sandy beat the maid out this morning, but that's only because she (the maid) turned off the main air conditioner.  Thus, it was 80 degrees in the living room and 70 in our bedroom - which means warm humid air meeting dry cooler air which equals water - water condensing on our return air fan and on our lights - and said water dripping onto the floor.  All this got Sandy up around 7 am.  Not me.  True Seager that I am, I slept right through it.

It was slightly overcast today, but just barely.  We hit the pool, then lunch here, then sun deck.  I did go out in the ocean to say goodbye for this trip.  It was rough today.

We hit the road about 5:15 to eat dinner at Lorenzillo's again.  We had the clams au gratin on the half shell for appetizers.  Then we each had the Trafalgar - that's Lorenzillo's name for French Onion Soup.  Then we had stuffed meats.  I had the grouper, Sandy the steak.  Each was stuffed with shrimp, lobster, and mushrooms, all covered in a bearnaise sauce.  Fine eats.

It was a long slow dinner.  We had plenty of time to digest.  Not complaining about the service because none of you all would care one iota.

But, the cab ride back?  I'd like to Thank the Little Baby Jesus for delivering us safely.
For starters, our driver was clearly 80 years old if he was a day.
There was so much crap all over the windows that he could not see to pull out.  So, he pulled out in front of a bus and stalled the car - which is a rough description of the cab - a car.  Sandy said it was the scratchiest back seat she had ever been in.  Oh, and to make it all better, it was a manual drive.
At each stop light, the driver would adjust his seat and his crotch.  He lost his radio and had us searching - all the while getting honked at and passed because he wasn't moving.
We almost missed our turn, he almost hit a pedestrian, and then turned into another bus coming right at us - never turning off his bright lights - if they worked, his check engine light was on the whole time.  Get this, since he was blind, he had no clue where the speed bumps were located.  We hit those at 40 kph, bouncing everything everywhere.

I thought about giving him a poor tip, since he was a very poor driver.  But on second thought, maybe if I tip him well he can retire.  I gave him double his cab fare fee.  At first he could not tell it was a $20 and not a $10.  Once he got it close to his face, he said, "Wow!  Gracias Senor."  You're welcome pal.  Now go retire.

We packed up.  We have not yet checked out.  Our plan is to arise at 0600 and hit the road to the airport by 0630.  Our flight leaves Cancun at 0900 (or 10 am Indiana time).  We fly into Hot-lanta and have a 2 hour layover.  We should put wheels on the ground at 1600 tomorrow afternoon.  That's 4 pm for those of you playing the home game.

We've had awesome weather this trip and no complaints.  We each have small areas that are starting to peel.  Again, not expecting any sympathy.  See some of you all tomorrow.


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