
Showing posts from March, 2018

Cancun Day Last - Sat March 24

We rolled this morning at about ten to full clouds and the threat of rain.  Didn't bother us as it was snowing in Indiana. We hit the sun deck until 12:30 and then ate our last lunch here at the Royal Carribean.  This hotel gets sold in November and will no longer be part of the Royal Resorts.  No more coming back here. We returned to the sun deck and the clouds broke.  It reached 81F with mostly sun.  We stayed until about 4.  Same old, same old.  Showers and then out to eat again at Puerto Mudero.  Excellent steaks. Came back and checked out.  Took some sunset pics.  Our flight leaves tomorrow morning at 0600.  Bright and early.  Hopefully, the snow will be cleared by the time we arrive in Indy at 4 pm. We've had a great, relaxing trip.  Unplugged and recharged for 9 days.  But, Grandma is missing her babies and is ready to get back - not to work, but to them. Our next trip is taking the Kids to Hawaii in ...

Cancun Day 7 - Friday Mar 23

I only know it's Friday because my pill box said so... Look out!  Cold snap in Cancun.  It was only 72F when we got up today.  Sorry to all you back in Indiana who are expecting snow tomorrow.  We feel for you (snicker, snicker).  Fortunately, it did warm up to 79F today with the wind back. We were both up before 9 and hit the sun deck.  Lunch was here at the hotel.  Then back to the sun deck.  I had been wearing my sunglasses all week - and had raccoon eyes and lines.  So I went without them today and did not get enough sunscreen on my eyelids.  They are tender. We hit the showers and then off to Casa Rolandi again for dinner.  Sandy had  goat cheese salad and then the gnocchi for dinner.  I had duck tacos as an appetizer and then rack of lamb for dinner.  Best lamb I have ever eaten!  So we tallied up all the "out of the comfort zone" foods Sandy has had this week.  It goes like this:  ground be...

Cancun Day 6 - Thursday March 22

We rolled out at 8 am this morning and headed for the sun deck.  The wind has returned - and we are happy about that.  Keeps us cool.  It barely reached 80F today, but it's better than the 4-8" of snow predicted for home!  Getting out of the water makes things on the colder side.  We agreed that both daughters (Kathy & Shelby) would be wearing sweatshirts today. We ate a late lunch today here at the hotel.  It was busy and took longer than usual, but hey, we checked our schedules and we had not pending meetings to attend.  Back to the sun deck. I woke myself up snoring a time or two.  Sandy chilled.  We rolled back to the room about 4.  We showered and walked to a new restaurant, Rosa Negra (The Black Rose).  They serve exotic foods that can be found nowhere else on this island - like Scottish, African, Alaskan, South American, etc. I started with the spicy octopus, which is not that spicy, but it was most certainly tender...

Cancun Day 5 - Wednesday Mar 21

I forgot to mention last night that while we walked to dinner, we had to cross the 4 lanes of traffic to get to the W side.  During a break, we crossed the first two lanes to the median, which consists of a grass buffer and palm trees.  It seems that we were not expecting to run into water, but that is exactly what we did.  The median was full of water, equating to mud.  It came up OVER our flops.  Sandy got the worst of it.  How could I forget that?  It was humorous to me... Sandy was up early enough today to get a picture of the sunrise.  See below.  I rolled out at 9.  We hit the sun deck and it was HOT.  The wind has died down, and so even though it was only 83F, it felt a lot hotter.  We did not stay long before hitting the pool to cool off. We walked over to Paco Taco's for lunch.  I had the Gringa, which is seasoned pork with pineapple.  Sandy ate a burrito.  Both were probably the best lunches we had ...

Cancun Day 4 - Tuesday 20 MAR

So the best theory we can come up with is that Sandy's new medication is making her more sensitive to sunlight - as she is redder than she should be on Day 4.  So this morning, we took some time off from Big Red (aka the Sun) and sat inside.  We had a Noon appointment with our Vacation Club, trying to figure out how to utilize our two free weeks. Following our appointment, where we got a free t-shirt and make-up bag and the contact information for our two weeks, we headed off to lunch about 12:40.  We ate here at the hotel and didn't even have to ask for drinks - they knew what we wanted.  Then we came back to the room to slather on the sunscreen and hit the sun deck here at the hotel.  We lasted until about 3:30.  We returned to the room and showered.  Sandy read while I took a little napper.  Normally, I would have slept on the sun deck, but we retired early, before I could nod off. We did a FaceTime call with Will - which is like a roller...

Cancun Day 3 - Monday 19 MAR

Well it turns out that today is President's Day in Mexico, which is a holiday for everyone but the bartenders and our concierge.  No maid service, but that is the least of our worries. Sandy slept for 12 hours last night - 9 pm to 9 am.  I rolled at 9:30 am, but I had stayed up until 11 finishing book #2.  We hit the pool deck by ten and stayed until lunch. We ate lunch here at the hotel and then headed for the sun deck.  We stayed there until after 3.  We came back to take showers.  And then we were off to have dinner at Lorenzillo's.  Yet another fantastic meal. It appears as though Sandy's medicine is making her very sunlight sensitive.  Even wearing SPF 30, she is on the verge of being burnt.  We first thought it was due to out-dated sunscreen, but I have been having no issues.  Sandy, on the other hand, will be spending less time in the sun now. We returned to the room and chatted with the kids, making sure we had the right ...

Cancun Day 3 - Sunday 18 MAR

We hit the sack at 10 last night and did not roll out again until 10 this morning.  Well, Sandy was out at 10, I rolled at 11.  We walked next door to eat lunch on the pool deck.  And then we wound our way to the back corner of our pools here.  Today is the Welcome Party on the sun deck - and it was loud and crowded.  We wanted no part of that. After the party ended, we left the pool and hit the sun deck - to get away from both the smoking and obnoxious ladies to our right.  At least they were having a good time.  Maybe clean up their language a bit? We stayed until about 3.  Sandy thought that she had enough sun for the day.  We showered and then went to La Isla to shop.  We finally found a charger for Sandy's phone and got probably too many things for the grandbabies.  But hey, that's what grandmas and grandpas do. We came back and ate on the deck at Captain's Cove.  We had drinks and excellent meals.  We returned ...

Cancun Day 2 - Saturday 17 MAR

Well Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody.  This also happens to be Sister Joan's 55th Birthday!  So happy birthday to my much OLDER sister! We slept long last night.  I clocked 14 hours, Sandy 13.  We hit the pool for sun and reading.  We came back up to the room to change out of our wet swimwear and our keys did not work.  Turns out we were supposed to change rooms today and no one told us.  So we spent about an hour switching rooms.  Then we walked next door for lunch, but they were full - all the way to the top because it was after 12.  We came back over here to our hotel to eat.  We returned to our chairs by the pool until about 4.  We took showers and then a taxi to KuKulKan plaza.  We are on a search for a charging cord for Sandy's phone.  The one that we stole from the rapid, wireless charger at home does not fit the phone.  Who knew?  We found nada.  So we are using her phone sparingly until we do ...

We are @ our Home Away from Home!

Having left Mulberry, IN at 0220 on Friday to catch a 0520 flight out of Indy to Charlotte, NC, we found ourselves BACK at the gate in Indy due to mechanical issues.  Not that I noticed.  I was asleep before we pushed back the first time.  23 hours of straight awake time were all this 50 YO needed. We landed in NC one hour late.  But, we did have a two-hour layover, so we still had time for "breakfast" which consisted of Quizno's subs and soda.  While our flight to NC was less than 1/3rd full, the flight from NC to Cancun was fully booked. We arrived in 3 hours, but we are one hour behind here, so we landed at 11:30.  Since we were here on a "non standard" travel day, things went very smoothly.  Once through Immigration, our luggage was waiting on us.  Four lanes were open for Customs, and Sandy picked Lane 2.  We KNEW we were due for a luggage search, as it has been over 5 years since we have been stopped.  Fortunately for us, the p...