We are @ our Home Away from Home!

Having left Mulberry, IN at 0220 on Friday to catch a 0520 flight out of Indy to Charlotte, NC, we found ourselves BACK at the gate in Indy due to mechanical issues.  Not that I noticed.  I was asleep before we pushed back the first time.  23 hours of straight awake time were all this 50 YO needed.

We landed in NC one hour late.  But, we did have a two-hour layover, so we still had time for "breakfast" which consisted of Quizno's subs and soda.  While our flight to NC was less than 1/3rd full, the flight from NC to Cancun was fully booked.

We arrived in 3 hours, but we are one hour behind here, so we landed at 11:30.  Since we were here on a "non standard" travel day, things went very smoothly.  Once through Immigration, our luggage was waiting on us.  Four lanes were open for Customs, and Sandy picked Lane 2.  We KNEW we were due for a luggage search, as it has been over 5 years since we have been stopped.  Fortunately for us, the person in front of us hit RED and we got a GREEN.  Boom.  To the taxi.

We took a "Mexican Limo" aka mini-van from the airport to the hotel.  Traffic was what I would call congested, but not a full traffic jam.  We arrived and our room was ready since My Lovely Bride had already checked us in.  Wise move.  We had our luggage, changed into shorts, and went to have lunch at the pool by 1 pm local (again, one hour BEHIND Indiana time).  It's very nice weather here. We caught most of the afternoon NCAA scores.  We saw that Purdue got the win, but lost Haas.  That's going to hurt.  Boiler Up!

We came back to the room an changed into our suits.  We lathered up with sunscreen and then headed for the sun deck.  We spent the afternoon reading and sleeping.  Who did what?  Sandy is the latter!  I read about 1/2 a book already and had more sleep than she did.  So she snored a while.  Drinks were consumed. 

The view from our balcony this week.  2nd floor up.  Main Lobby building.

We returned to the rooms for showers, shaves, a change of clothes and then off to dinner.  Sadly, my bride made me take a separate shower than hers. Tonight was Pasta and Pizza night at the hotel.  We were tired, so ate it, and it was very nice.  Sadly, for those of you stuck in Indiana, this is the only Ice we will be seeing this week...Sprite, Iced Tea, and Banana Sexy!

And finally, our sunset for the evening.  Just awesome!

More tomorrow, after about 16 hours of sleep...


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