
Showing posts from February, 2021

Paradise - Day Last - Friday 05 FEB

 We spent most of the day just trying to get our CV-19 test results.  What a cluster.  We don't blame the Royal Resorts - they've been very helpful - even gave the testing facility space on-site to help us travelers.  The testing company?  Well, they don't have their sh*t together yet.  Maybe in a couple of weeks it will get better, but today the lack of communication is astounding.  Finally, we got our results and we do get to come home as we tested negative for covid.  So this really is our last day of relaxation in paradise and we took full advantage of it. We rolled out at 8:30-ish and we all went to breakfast.  Afterwards, we covered ourselves in sunscreen and sat by the pool All Day Long.  That's it.  That was our entire day.  Completely full of nothing.  We slept when we were tired.  We ate when we were hungry.  And we enjoyed the moment with the sun beating down on us at 78 degrees F.  And tomorrow w...

Cancun Day 6 - FEB 4, 2021

 Ah, lovely Thursday.  We rolled out with plans to go get CV-19 tested so that we could actually go home on Saturday.  We arrived at 9 and got yet another run-around.  We know that we are only a week into the process, but there are so many problems with this system of testing down here.  First, we appreciate the hotel hosting the testing for free.  The lack of communication on where, what, how, and why is astounding.  We were told to return at 3 pm.  So what did we do?  We went for breakfast because you are not supposed to eat, drink, or even brush your teeth for 2 hours prior to the test.  So breakfast it is. While at breakfast, we get a text from Lesley that the test facility called the room and said we should go get tested right now.  We sign our breakfast check and hustle to the facility.  We arrive and are 2nd in line which quickly grows to 12.  We get the backs of our heads swabbed and now await our results tomorrow....

Cancun Day 5 - Wednesday, 03 FEB 2021

 Up again early today because it really was dive day.  We were at the dive shop by 0900 to get our wetsuits and gear.  We loaded up and drove out about ten minutes to the reef and dove to 60' on our first tank.  We had a professional photographer with us who took stills and videos.  We saw countless tons of fish, two sea turtles, two eels, a ray, two types of lobsters and just things you cannot see unless you dive.  The water was gorgeous and Cozumel was very easy to see.  We came back into the hotel to pick up some more divers and then went back out again.  This time we went N along the reef without the photographer.  Again we dove to about 60'.  The current was a bit rougher on this dive.  Glad we did not have to swim against it.  There were no sharks today - which is sad for Todd as he wishes to swim with them - but much safer this way. Sandy hung out here at the resort, taking naps, and eating a good chicken nacho lunch....

Cancun Day 4 - 02 FEB 2021

It's Groundhog Day - and that little sucker saw his shadow.  That means that Spring will come whenever Mother Nature wants it to come - not based on some stupid rodent. Now that we have that behind us...let's talk about our day here in paradise... We arose at 7 am because we thought we were going to get to go on a dive.  Those three walked to the beach and took some sunrise photos - and they got some good ones.  It was only 60 F here this morning, but we are not complaining as it beats the temperatures at home. Over to the dive shop and the Cozumel harbor is closed.  No reason given, but we suspect that it is due to the cruise ships, so those plans changed.  Instead we took a refresher course in the pool and will do a two-tank dive tomorrow.  Todd, Lesley and I are certified divers & Sandy has no interest at all.  So the three of us will dive while she sits in the sun tomorrow. We grabbed an early lunch here at the hotel and then lazed by the lap p...

Cancun Day 3 - Monday 2/1/21

Welcome to February!  The year is one-twelfth over already!  Holy cow, it's goin' fast.... Last night on our way to dinner, we ran into two stray cats and a coati (co-ought-ee) which is a Mexican raccoon.  Fact.  Look it up.  We grabbed some photos.  Enjoy. Upon our return from dinner, it did not take long before we were horizontal and some of us were snoring. We rolled out this morning at 8:30.  Lesley did join one other person for Zoomba this morning.  Sandy and I held down chairs at the pool. We ate lunch at the Luna bar, as has become customary.  Then Todd & Lesley went snorkeling in the ocean. We played some cornhole with swapping up teams - boys v. girls, couples, etc.  The girls never won and it took a playoff for couples to determine a champion. We came back to the room, showered, and then headed out to get some sunset pictures before having dinner.  No excitement this evening. We are considering a dive trip tomorrow - w...