Paradise - Day Last - Friday 05 FEB

We spent most of the day just trying to get our CV-19 test results. What a cluster. We don't blame the Royal Resorts - they've been very helpful - even gave the testing facility space on-site to help us travelers. The testing company? Well, they don't have their sh*t together yet. Maybe in a couple of weeks it will get better, but today the lack of communication is astounding. Finally, we got our results and we do get to come home as we tested negative for covid. So this really is our last day of relaxation in paradise and we took full advantage of it. We rolled out at 8:30-ish and we all went to breakfast. Afterwards, we covered ourselves in sunscreen and sat by the pool All Day Long. That's it. That was our entire day. Completely full of nothing. We slept when we were tired. We ate when we were hungry. And we enjoyed the moment with the sun beating down on us at 78 degrees F. And tomorrow w...