Cancun Day 6 - FEB 4, 2021

 Ah, lovely Thursday.  We rolled out with plans to go get CV-19 tested so that we could actually go home on Saturday.  We arrived at 9 and got yet another run-around.  We know that we are only a week into the process, but there are so many problems with this system of testing down here.  First, we appreciate the hotel hosting the testing for free.  The lack of communication on where, what, how, and why is astounding.  We were told to return at 3 pm.  So what did we do?  We went for breakfast because you are not supposed to eat, drink, or even brush your teeth for 2 hours prior to the test.  So breakfast it is.

While at breakfast, we get a text from Lesley that the test facility called the room and said we should go get tested right now.  We sign our breakfast check and hustle to the facility.  We arrive and are 2nd in line which quickly grows to 12.  We get the backs of our heads swabbed and now await our results tomorrow.  All of this happens, mind you, after Sandy logged us into the system one week ago.  Sandy talks to someone in line waiting and they have the same issues trying to get tested to go home.

The day got better.  We slathered up with sunscreen and hit the pool deck.  Todd and Lesley already had chairs reserved.  We took pictures and hazed some of our friends and coworkers with beautiful pictures.  Lunch was on the pool deck and then the girls went off to do more art while the boys played corn hole.

What I will say about corn hole games today:  Sandy never won - she scored points, but never won a game.  In fact, the girls, neither of them, won a game today.  Me & Todd?  We spent a lot of time throwing bean bags at boards.  How many games?  No one knows.  Who won?  We both did, but the girls never did.  Just sayin'.

The afternoon lazed away with lots of alcohol involved.  We did not return to the room until 5:30, which is about as late as we have come back.  We took showers and headed out for dinner finally at 7:30.  Tonight's menu was prime rib, steak, lobster, and the general buffet.  It was quite a good dinner - except Sandy's steak was too 'red' for her.  I ended up finishing her steak as it was perfectly done to my liking.

Todd picked up a bug today and is currently reverse eating in their room.  Poor guy.  We are pumping him full of medicine to make him feel better.  We will keep an eye on him to make sure he does not dehydrate.  

Plans for tomorrow?  More of the same.  It's Groundhog Day!  What are we going to do tomorrow, Brain?  Same think we do every day, Pinky...

There is no hazing going on here.  Hazing is not allowed in the gentlemen's
game that is Corn Hole.

Look at that follow-through.  Guarantee that shot was a Holer.

The girls on the pool deck.  That's Sandy's drink.

Sandy's platter that she painted as her first art project this week.

Lesley's art project.  It's a candle holder thingy.

A shot looking out from the swim-up bar to the ocean.
It had three different colors of blue today.  Just awesome.

A picture of the beach with waves rolling in.
Because we thought you might like it.


  1. Craig!!!! You are quite the entertainer!!! I just get a kick out of your comments, mostly because I can just see Sandy’s face every time you say something!!!! You are one lucky man, just hope you know!!! Ladies!!!!!! Your artwork is just beautiful!!! I have a beautiful spoon rest, someone made for me!!!!! Pictures are georgeous!!!! My complements to the photographer!!! Hope Todd is feeling better! Everyone enjoy the rest of your trip!!!


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