Cancun Day 4 - 02 FEB 2021

It's Groundhog Day - and that little sucker saw his shadow.  That means that Spring will come whenever Mother Nature wants it to come - not based on some stupid rodent.

Now that we have that behind us...let's talk about our day here in paradise...

We arose at 7 am because we thought we were going to get to go on a dive.  Those three walked to the beach and took some sunrise photos - and they got some good ones.  It was only 60 F here this morning, but we are not complaining as it beats the temperatures at home.

Over to the dive shop and the Cozumel harbor is closed.  No reason given, but we suspect that it is due to the cruise ships, so those plans changed.  Instead we took a refresher course in the pool and will do a two-tank dive tomorrow.  Todd, Lesley and I are certified divers & Sandy has no interest at all.  So the three of us will dive while she sits in the sun tomorrow.

We grabbed an early lunch here at the hotel and then lazed by the lap pool.  Y'all need to ask Lesley about grouper versus flounder and how she had to admit that "Todd was right!"  I'm not sure what the wager was, but she lost.

The ole sun came out and warmed things right up.  It finally hit 76 F and required Todd and me to attend the swim-up bar for mandatory rum & coke.  We all came in to shower around 4:30 as we had to catch the shuttle at 5:30.  It was a 'free' trip to downtown Playa del Carmen.  We were dropped off about 5 blocks from the flea-market shopping area - where we speculated that all the cruise ships drop passengers off in this same spot.

We walked a bit and shopped a bit.  We found most of what we were after and did not get accosted too much.

We returned to a late dinner.  It was a seafood buffet tonight.  Back to the room by 9 and it's starting to cool off again outside.  It's down (down to) to 65 F but with our red sun-kissed skin, it certainly feels a bit cooler.  I am sure you are all feeling sorry for us.

Up again early tomorrow and hopefully will have a trip report about diving with the bull sharks.  If there is no update tomorrow, do not let Sandy spend all the insurance money on a new boyfriend.  And know that I went out fighting!

The sun coming up over the hotel - from our patio

The sunrise across the pool and beach

Todd & Lesley on the beach at sunrise

Sandy & Lesley practice their Glamour Pose

Another sunrise photo

More morning shots

Practicing in the pool

Looking back on the other side of the hotel.

More SCUBA practice in the pool


  1. Absolutely feel just awful about your weather!!!🙁, 🤪just teasing!!!SOOOO COLD!!!poor things!!! But man!!!! You captured some georgeous photos!!! Sandy and I will be enjoying that time sunning and relaxing after she gets that insurance $$$, just know you will be missed!! Be safe , have fun and enjoy!!! Miss you girls!!!


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