
Showing posts from October, 2022

Back to the US in the Morning

 Well, this week has come to a close.  Today it was 82 F (28 C) and full sun in the morning.  Clouds came in after lunch but not fully covered.  We hit the beach directly after breakfast - by 9:30 and sat by the lap pool.  Greg and I played cornhole and he won 3-2 today, making us even for the trip. Lunch, of course, was at the pool bar.  The plan was to then go kayaking but the waves were too heavy to allow for this activity today.  So instead we talked the girls into playing cornhole.  Greg and I beat them handily before we switched to couples.  The Seagers beat the Ungers by more luck than sense.  This activity is not one for the girls. Dinner was Sushi night.  Greg and Sandy ordered from the menu.  Then back to the room for more cards.  The guys won 3 to 1 tonight making the total for the trip 10 - 4.  According to the women we are as poor winners as we are losers.  I think they are poor losers.   I...

Thursday - Day Second to Last

 Up about 9.  Headed down to breakfast and then to the pool.  It was overcast / mostly cloudy, but still 82 F (28 C).  Greg and I played some cornhole and I was on it, winning 3-0.  Go ahead and ask him about it.  Lunch was at the pool bar.  Stayed out until it sprinkled.  Back to the room for cards, with more cards after dinner.   Dinner was 50's night with singing and dancing.  Yes, we sang, but very little dancing on our part. Cards, you ask?  Well, let's just say that it is going to take a lot of card playing for the girls to catch up.  They did start running their mouths, but their asses couldn't cash those checks.  So they resorted to throwing water bottles and kicking us under the table - to no avail.  We routed them today 5-1.  Their only rally cry?  "Well, at least it wasn't 5 to 0." I have finished one book, Man Eaters of Kumaon by Jim Corbett.  This is the second reading of this book an...

It's Wednesday in Paradise!

 Got up to some clouds and the threat of rain.  Ran down to the store to get some nutrients for breakfast.  The girls had a 10:30 appt with the Spa for a foot treatment - which they said they enjoyed.  The boys played some cornhole until the bar opened.  We ate lunch at the pool bar and then as the rains came, we returned to the room for some Bid Euchre.   The girls decided to get "artsy" and painted some ceramic pieces.  Dinner was Italian night at the restaurant.  Back to the room to finish off with more cards. The girls will attempt to claim that we either cheated or I am not reporting the correct scores.  However, the boys won 3-2.  We let the girls win 2 games so that we could sleep in our beds tonight.  We figured that beating them as badly as we did at Euchre last night was not wise.   Weather tomorrow is looking like only a 20% chance of rain in the early morning, then reaching 80 F (27 C).  Beats the cra...

Cancun - October 2022 Tuesday 18th

 Got a late start this morning, going to the opposite side (the S or "Sun" side) so we could grab deck chairs that actually sit in the pool.  Hit it about 10 am.  Stayed in the pool until 11 when water aerobics started and the bar opened.  The girls decided to do exercises while the men did 12 oz curls, both arms.  We then hit the ocean for a swim before having lunch at the poolside cafe. We laid out until the rains came about 4-ish.  We laid around the room until dinner at 6.  Back to the room to play Euchre.  The men won 6 straight before letting the women win one, just so we wouldn't have to hear about it all night.  They may claim they didn't get good cards, but we all know they just are not good card players. A few photos from today... During breakfast, looking E toward Cozumel During lunch.  Sent to Lesley I. just for hazing. Me doing my exercises while the girls do theirs. Sandy is the one immediately under my drinking arm, Christ...

Cancun - Monday, Oct 17

 Up again today at about 7:30.  All four of us went down for breakfast before heading to the lap pool.  Greg & Christy stayed in the room to try and recover from too much sun yesterday - and I'm here to tell ya, it's hot down here.  That's not a complaint as there is snow falling at home!  We will take hot. Just to give you an idea of how hot it is - Sandy was in the pool three times before lunch!  Lunch was at the pool bar, as par norm.  And then we spent most of the afternoon in the pool attempting to keep cool. Dinner tonight included the Mexican Show with dancers giving the history of the Mayans.  And then we spent way too much money at the vendor shops that were set up outside the restaurant.  But at least all the grandkids have gifts from Grandma & Papaw returning from Mexico. And this is our plan for the remainder of the week...sleep when tired and eat when hungry while basking in the 87 F heat.  Clear and beautiful here....

October Trip - Day 2

 Sadly, in our sleep-deprived condition last night, we neglected to notice that the alarm in our room was set for 6 am!  Well, at 6 am we sure noticed.  Damn it.  Somehow in the dark and three-quarters asleep I did manage to find "silent" button.  We are sure to check it before going to sleep tonight.  Thus, we rolled from our slumber at an early 7:30 am.  We went down to the buffet and ate breakfast before claiming chairs near the lap pool - where we proceeded to absorb sunshine all day. Lunch was at the pool bar and many naps were had - for sure by me but probably others too.  Back to the room at 4 to catch a few NFL football games before heading to dinner at 6 pm. Food is good as usual, but there seems to be a worker shortage as we are waiting an unusual amount of time for drinks.  I have taken to ordering two at a time to ensure I never run out.  Great plan. The skies were clear all day and it hit 89 F (32 C).  The breeze kept u...

Cancun - Oct 2022

 It has been a long day.  We left at 3:22 am for a drive to Cincinnati.  Why not leave from Indy, you ask?  Because we saved $400 per person for a direct flight down.  It was worth it!  The airport was crowded but the flight to Mexico was uneventful, thankfully.  We arrived, check out through Immigration and Customs and got our private taxi to the resort.  We checked-in and had a late lunch.  To the pool for a nap and then ate a late dinner / snack before calling this first day over. It's 90 F and feels like 100.  It's hot.  Rain is predicted for Wednesday, but we shall take rain in paradise.  We'll be fine. A few stock photos and a few of our own on the first night.  We are in the Royal Haciendas in Playa del Carmen. Those three are stock photos from the internet.  The next two, Sandy took tonight. Beautiful place!  Stay-tuned for any adventures we may undertake while here for the week. Kids got the pets and we ...