October Trip - Day 2

 Sadly, in our sleep-deprived condition last night, we neglected to notice that the alarm in our room was set for 6 am!  Well, at 6 am we sure noticed.  Damn it.  Somehow in the dark and three-quarters asleep I did manage to find "silent" button.  We are sure to check it before going to sleep tonight.  Thus, we rolled from our slumber at an early 7:30 am. 

We went down to the buffet and ate breakfast before claiming chairs near the lap pool - where we proceeded to absorb sunshine all day.

Lunch was at the pool bar and many naps were had - for sure by me but probably others too.  Back to the room at 4 to catch a few NFL football games before heading to dinner at 6 pm.

Food is good as usual, but there seems to be a worker shortage as we are waiting an unusual amount of time for drinks.  I have taken to ordering two at a time to ensure I never run out.  Great plan.

The skies were clear all day and it hit 89 F (32 C).  The breeze kept us from overheating.  More of the same tomorrow.  Here are some pictures from today...

The ocean looking N from the restaurant.

The ocean looking E toward Cozumel island

Greg on the beach - look closely for his speedo and tatoos

Another shot of the beach - looking SE

The beach this morning where you can see the tracks made
by the rake and cleaning machine - looking NE

Looking S from our balcony.  The entire area is under construction on the
S-side of the hotel


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