Thursday - Day Second to Last

 Up about 9.  Headed down to breakfast and then to the pool.  It was overcast / mostly cloudy, but still 82 F (28 C).  Greg and I played some cornhole and I was on it, winning 3-0.  Go ahead and ask him about it.  Lunch was at the pool bar.  Stayed out until it sprinkled.  Back to the room for cards, with more cards after dinner.  

Dinner was 50's night with singing and dancing.  Yes, we sang, but very little dancing on our part.

Cards, you ask?  Well, let's just say that it is going to take a lot of card playing for the girls to catch up.  They did start running their mouths, but their asses couldn't cash those checks.  So they resorted to throwing water bottles and kicking us under the table - to no avail.  We routed them today 5-1.  Their only rally cry?  "Well, at least it wasn't 5 to 0."

I have finished one book, Man Eaters of Kumaon by Jim Corbett.  This is the second reading of this book and I will probably read it again.  Mr. Corbett was an amazing tracker and hunter in India in the early 1900's.  He did have some superstitions though, like he had to kill a snake before he would kill a man-eating tiger.  The story of him taking on a 14' (4.3 m) king cobra with two rocks is crazy.  It worked though, he got the tiger afterwards.  

I'm 65% through my second reading of Code Over Country:  The Tragedy & Corruption of SEAL Team 6 by Matthew Cole.  Mr. Cole considers himself an investigative reporter and I heard him on a podcast with a retired Navy SEAL after my first reading.  It's interesting to re-read the book after hearing both his and the SEAL's viewpoints - mainly, if you only good looking for negatives, that is what you will find.

We did schedule our return taxi ride for Saturday morning.  Tomorrow is our last day to soak in the sun on this trip.  Our goal is to get Sandy on a kayak in the ocean.  We shall see...

The beach tonight on our way to dinner

Looking out toward the ocean over the pool.  You can see the clouds today.

Our view from dinner tonight

Some of the dancers for '50's Night tonight at dinner

Had some strangers take our photo tonight off the top floor of our hotel.
Picture faces S out toward the beach as the sun sets.

Greg and Christy sitting on the edge of the restaurant tonight (photo faces E).
This is when they still liked each other as later in the room, the girls didn't like
us Champions very much (reference above 5 to 1 !!)

Looking S down the beach from our table this evening.


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