It's Wednesday in Paradise!

 Got up to some clouds and the threat of rain.  Ran down to the store to get some nutrients for breakfast.  The girls had a 10:30 appt with the Spa for a foot treatment - which they said they enjoyed.  The boys played some cornhole until the bar opened.  We ate lunch at the pool bar and then as the rains came, we returned to the room for some Bid Euchre.  

The girls decided to get "artsy" and painted some ceramic pieces.  Dinner was Italian night at the restaurant.  Back to the room to finish off with more cards.

The girls will attempt to claim that we either cheated or I am not reporting the correct scores.  However, the boys won 3-2.  We let the girls win 2 games so that we could sleep in our beds tonight.  We figured that beating them as badly as we did at Euchre last night was not wise.  

Weather tomorrow is looking like only a 20% chance of rain in the early morning, then reaching 80 F (27 C).  Beats the crap out of the 54F highs in Indy tomorrow and below freezing temps tonight!  Yes, we are enjoying our time here in Cancun!

The fountains and reflection pools around the hotel grounds

Christy getting her feet "eaten" by fishes

Sandy's feet in the fish pool

Christy painting her picture frame

The GIGANTIC grasshopper we saw on the way back from dinner tonight.


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